Monday, February 18, 2013

Gusti budak...

cctv penyelamat kalu x??????
Main gusti ngan budak, lambung, lempar. Cuma main ngan bapak dia, remuk la muka hang indon oooiii...

Dah banyak hari, buleh kata stiap pagi keluar berita pagi tp aku ttp terlupa nak pos. Pagi ni aku akan menghamburkan kmarahan kat binatang yg bergelar org gaji ni. Nampak sgt mental kacau sampai xdak prasan kesian kat budak. Macam penagih dadah yg tgh stim ingt anak dia ayam kot, pi sembelih.  Nampak anak macam punching bag pi belasah. Berani x bertempat.. Bila akal dikuasai emosi, dunia porak peranda. Yg pelik dan x prnah berlaku pun akan dibuat orang.

Org gaji melayu pun ada gak dera budak. Gila......X buleh jaga habaq la elok2, bukan org duk pakssa hg jaga pun. Org bayar gaji. Bg makan, tmpt tinggal. Puuuiiiihhhh....

Mangsa bapa....

pengaruh x baik...

Patut la ada majikan dulu dera org gaji dia. Mungkin sebab depa ni x leh bagi muka kot. Tp kalu ya pun xkan sampai tara tu. Marah2 gitu dah la.....X suka, tukar la...Ni semua nak bagi serabut belaka. Benda remeh macam tu pun x reti nak hendel. Ceeewaah...

Pengaruh media...

bila manusia berhati binatang

Pada sesapa nak pakai org gaji ni.....pasang la cctv di rumah anda. Biar la harga dia sampai 10k pun, nyawa anak anda lagi berharga......

Aku hantar anak aku kt pengasuh, perlu ka aku psg cctv di rumah dia????????? Atau letak pepijat kat mana2 dlm rumah dia....macam james bond lak....nenek dia Jebon......

Hidup ini satu perjalanan...

Ceewah.....macam masa kita nak mai keja la....Ada yg naik moto, kecik besar, keta kecik besar, lori bas.....Xsemestinya yg laju sampai dulu, lambat kemudian. Itulah takdir, rezeki. Walaupun kita nmpk tp tetap x tau keputusannya. Tuhan yg tentukan segala-galanya. Kita hanya buleh berusaha, berikhtiar. Kita pilih naik moto sebab kita fikir kita buleh menyelit di waktu ada risikonya. Naik keta takut terperangkap dalam jem tp lebih rendah risikonya.....sebab tu Allah bg akal utk pikir dan pilih.....Maknanya kita masih ada pilihan dalam hidup kecuali mati.....Semua akan mati dan tak tau bagaimana, bila dan di mana...

Kita perlukan wang utk perjalanan. Nak beli moto, keta, tiket bas dsbnya......Masa miskin kita berkongsi naik bas ramai2....dah senang sikit kita naik teksi, 2 3 org atau sewa sorg ja. Pastu dah senang sikit beli keta seken, naik sorg atau bawa famili. Lagi kaya pakai keta besar naik sorang supa jalan tu bapak kita silap sikit kita horn marah2...

hanya laku di dunia

DI akhirat nanti, selepas dibangkitkan dari kubur, kita akan berjalan lagi. Masa tu matahari macam sejengkal di atas kepala. Duit x leh beli apa dah. Nak sejuk, mudah, laju, selesa, selamat semua dpt dgn amalan kita semasa di dunia sahaja. Tp kat dunia kita kalut cari duit. Duit buleh beli pahala ka? Bg sedekah baru dapat pahala, kena ikhlas.....

perjalanan hidup insan

Beli moto, keta, rumah, henset, sofa, tv home teater set yg mahal2 mewah macam kita x akan mati....seimbang dak apa yg kita beli utk dunia dgn utk akhirat. Sepatutnya akhirat lebih lagi sebab kita akan kekal di sana. Pendek kata kita duk sana lagi lama. Mana kita nak cari bekalan tambahan kalau kita bawa sikit ja. Bukan ada kedai nak beli.....

bekalan berterusan di akhirat

Setiap perbuatan yg baik adalah ibadah. Ganjarannya pahala x kira la sebesar mana sekali pun. Macam seekor burung yg menyimbah air dari mulutnya dalam api yg membakar nabi Ibrahim. Api x terpadam pun tp usahanya pasti mendapat ganjaran. Kalau org  susah lapor x makan, mesti kita nk beli nasi bagi dia. TP x ckp duit, beli la air, air suam pun xpa dari x bg langsung...Kita malu kalau org tgk mesti kt kita kedekut. Sebenarnya yg kata tu langsung x bg apa. Cakap je pandai. Bg org macam ni apa sj org buat semua salah. Kalau kita nk buat sesuatu, jgn pk apa org kt, tanya Allah....tanya Nabi.....

arah yg sama...

Aku kata kat diri aku. Sapa terasa jgn marah....kita sama.....

21 days

Dear Alex.

Strawberry season 2013

Winter is coming to an end and I saw plenty of strawberries for sale. During winter, the strawberries were tiny. But now, it is double the size! Its cheap too, so I bought two boxes of strawberries and two packs of green apples. That will be enough to make my smoothies for a week :)

Wordless Wednesday #29

The dish on modern design

Modern style is a clean, streamlined furniture and architecture style that first appeared in the  1930s with roots in the German Bauhaus School of Design and Scandinavian modern design.   The modern movement was a response to what happened in design and history up to that point.  Art, architecture and  interior design broke from traditional detailing and styles and forged a new path. Modern design is still a prominent style in today's homes where homeowners seek original mid century modern furniture and accessories or resort to reproduction pieces.

  Defining characteristics of  modern interior design include:

 John Maniscalco Architecture
  •  simple, minimal, flat surfaces and unbroken lines 
  • low profile furniture with raised legs for an airy look 
  • wood floors but sometimes, cork, cement or rubber
  • minimal accessories

  • emphasis on form, geometric shapes
  • large windows that let the outside in
  • natural elements for accessories (large plants, sculptural twigs)

    • use of metals, leather and glass

      •  molded plywood, clear and white plastics for furniture

      •  simple or no hardware

      George Nijland
      •  predominately light walls, especially white
      • controlled use of pure colours in furniture/accessories ( mostly red, yellow, blue) 
      • use of texture 
      • use of art to add colour,  design elements and a focal point

        use of geometric patterning


        Many of the iconic furniture pieces of mid century design are still reproduced today and this confuses people because modern  is not that new! What some consider leading edge has been popular since the middle of the century.

         One of the strongest trends in home decor  today is to mix  modern pieces with contemporary decor.   The overall tone of this room is mid century  modern , but the severity of line and the more minimal approach has been softened with accessories.  Removing flowers, books, vases and pillows would create a truly modern decor.

         In my own home I like to mix mid century modern  pieces like the dresser, bed and chair with softer accents and a range of patterns and textures.

        I used to date a scumbag

        You see when u catch your asshole boyfriend flirting with another girl, you should just dump him ON THE SPOT because he probably has interest in that female.

        Its true from my experience. He is with that girl now. But u know in my case, he flirted with so many females, this is probably just ONE of his conquest and he will get bored again and move on.

        Throw all his gifts into the bin, thats what you should do!

        Gambar Belangkas