Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jom shopping...skmm

Tajuk jer bukan nak ajak g soping pon. Kalau geng muda dema panggil cuci mata, pompuan plak window soping. 2 2 duk bahong. sebetul nya yg laki suka soping sbb dapat usha awek cun n seksi. Senang kata bukan cuci mata, tp cari dosa.....

Yg pompuan kata nk window soping ja. Tp satgi penuh sebonet keta dia borong. Gi mari pun kat spermarket mana ada tikat, nak soping kot tikat lagu mana?

Berbalik kepada niat asal post ini......

Cuba anda perhatikan cara wanita2 di luar sana dan di dalam rumah kita berpakaian dinihari. Ada satu trend terbaru la ni yg bukan sja menular kepada anak dara muda tp dah merebak hingga ke anak dara tua dan menopause pun.

Apa benda????

Seluar ketat.....

Dulu masa aku sekolah dulu rajn gak pekecik seluar sendiri bagi ketat. Zaman rock kapak bro....Akhirnya cikgu2 mensyaratkan seluar kena longgar supaya botol kaca ni buleh turun dgn selamat dari atas ke kaki.

ketat tp x melekat...

Seketat2 seluar aku dulu xdak la sampai nampak btk2 x senonoh. Ni dah la selulit keliling, pakai seluar baju ketat....alahai.....ala emak ampunkan aku....dah la ketat, melekat lak tu....

DI mana2 pun kita akan dapat perhatikan manusia ketat melekat ni. Salah siapa....Dah macam telanjang aku tgk. La aku tertengok nk wat camna.....

Yg muda seksi, body ada cutting tu nmpak la macam model maksiat. TP yg terbonjol2 x ikut law ni rasa macam geli, malu. Aik aku lak yg malu....

Kalau nak kira haram, sah haram dah. Walau tutup semua kalau nampak bentuk haram gak....

Jadi tanggungjwab abang nasihat adik pompuan, isteri dan yg dibawah tanggungjawabnya lah,  patut menegur, mengubah, menampor, membelasah......aku stakat istigfar dalam hati je lah...

Nak tegur pun kena ada cara gak. Main sergah macam anjing jer, mana nak jalan. Kena la elok2 beradab, menunjukkan kita org yg beradab bukan biadab. Silap tegur kang ditelannjang terus????????

Aku nak jer letak  gambar ketat sendat melekat mantap kat sini tp kang jadi contoh lak. X pasal2 aku lak dapat habuan free.

Happy Valentines Day

February 14th!
If you are in a relationship and your boyfriend does not even give you a card, hmmph, shows how much you mean to him... Or he could give a lame excuse that he does not celebrate Valentines Day so he is not going to do anything special with you. Double hmmph!

If you are single and have close friends who are single too, then its good to do something together because Valentines is also for friendship ;)

Happy Valentines, everyone!

6 effective uses for valances

A client recently asked me if valances were outdated.  Of course the answer is never yes or no in decor;   it's usually "that depends".  When it comes to window treatments for 2013 the key works are  streamlined  and crisp.  The once popular love for  yards of gathered  or draped material, floppy tabs and ruffles has died a quiet death.

 A valance is a  soft  window treatment  made from fabric that is used at the top of  a window and usually mounted on a strip of wood or a  velcro rod.  Valances  conceal drapery hardware, blinds  or architectural flaws and are commonly used in more traditional decor to add layers and soften the decor.

Valances are not to be confused with cornices that are usually structured from wood and padded.

 I still recommend valances for certain windows and rooms, but you won't see a gather or tab in sight.

1.  Soften a bare window 

Sometimes you have windows were privacy is not an issue and you don't want to have bare windows. A fitted valance is a great way to add softness without covering the window.

Margaret Ryall

These  banded valances   with  tassels function well in a more traditional home.  The pattern duplicated in pillows  serves to move the eye around the room.  This application works well because  the colour scheme is neutral and nothing is overpowered.

This space has a totally different feel- a more sparce contemporary one.   I believe that this is a cornice,  but the same look could be achieved with a valance in white and gray.

2. To soften the look of roman shades/blinds

This is a great solution for multiple windows.  The roman shades are mounted separately and the valance is continuous.  The colours are neutral and the added decorative motifs add sophistication to this otherwise plain window treatment.

A colourful floral fabric adds  pattern to this pastel kitchen.  When using woven blinds choose a fabric that has the colour of the blind integrated in the pattern  to achieve a more cohesive look.  


In cases where a valance is covering a blind it is best to have an outside mount.   In this way the blind can move easily if it needs to be raised.  This placement also add more prominence to the treatment. I like the way the energy of the circles works with the horizontal lines of the blind.  Curves help to soften the horizontal lines that are common in most blinds.

This tight colour scheme of white and pink is duplicated in the  valance.  The scalloped valance is feminine and soft, fitting in with the overall decor.

3.  To add pattern to a space 

4. To hide blinds in the daytime

 5. To give draperies a finished look

 Valances are a great when you have multiple windows in a room because they provide a horizontal line  against the verticals of the drapes and provide an additional layer in the room. This look works well in more traditional decor.

6.  To make a statement in a kid's room

 What a great idea for any colour scheme in a little girl's room.  Easy as installing a rod ( I sometimes use shower  tension rods if the width  is large enough) and tying a knot in lengths of ribbon.  What is great about this idea is the option of adding lots of pattern in the ribbons if you wish.

Use nautical signal flags attached to a strip for a colourful boy's valance.

Tak Ada Kamus Istirahat Mendakwahkan Islam

SIAPA saja yang mau menelaah Al-Qur’an secara jeli, pasti akan menemukan peringatan Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala tentang “kebencian” dan “ketakutan” kaum kafir terhadap Islam (islamophobia). Bentuk kebencian ini tidak akan pernah berakhir dan akan terus berulang dan berulang hingga yaumul qiyamah. Kebencian itu begitu mendalam. Sebagaimana saat ini, ketika Islam saat ini benar-benar menjadi

Tak Ada Kamus Istirahat Mendakwahkan Islam

SIAPA saja yang mau menelaah Al-Qur’an secara jeli, pasti akan menemukan peringatan Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala tentang “kebencian” dan “ketakutan” kaum kafir terhadap Islam (islamophobia). Bentuk kebencian ini tidak akan pernah berakhir dan akan terus berulang dan berulang hingga yaumul qiyamah. Kebencian itu begitu mendalam. Sebagaimana saat ini, ketika Islam saat ini benar-benar menjadi

Beramal dengan Ikhlas Tanpa Syarat!

SETIAP amal perbuatan baik yang kita lakukan akan memperoleh imbalan sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitannya. Semakin berat amalan itu untuk dilakukan maka pahalanyapun semakin besar.  Karena pada sejatinya, saat kita berupaya secara maksimal untuk melaksanakan perintah Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, saat itu pulalah kita sedang melakukan pertempuran yang maha dahsyat dengan menghadapi hawa nafsu.Hawa

Beramal dengan Ikhlas Tanpa Syarat!

SETIAP amal perbuatan baik yang kita lakukan akan memperoleh imbalan sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitannya. Semakin berat amalan itu untuk dilakukan maka pahalanyapun semakin besar.  Karena pada sejatinya, saat kita berupaya secara maksimal untuk melaksanakan perintah Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, saat itu pulalah kita sedang melakukan pertempuran yang maha dahsyat dengan menghadapi hawa nafsu.Hawa

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