Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tau Fu Fah by Petronas

I read The Star today and found out Petronas made another short film called Tau Fu Fahin conjunction with Chinese New Year. Some people said this was touching, but I did not tear like the videos made in previous years. Someone's dad who was a rojak seller before said she could relate to the film.


Faster watch this before they remove it.
This is the love story everyone dreams of :):) Its a short film by Disney called Paperman. To know when a guy REALLY loves you is when he willingly goes through the trouble to get you :)

If you cant watch the video above, CLICK HERE

 Tuan Guru Syeikh Nuruddin Al-Banjari
telah datang ke Surau At-Taqwa berdekatan rumah ku pada malam 28/01/13 yang lalu...
Masyaallah, melihat muka Tuan Guru secara live memberikan satu perasaan yang tidak terkata dalam diri ini. Muka beliau kelihatan berseri-seri bersinar bercahaya sungguh suci ..daku terbayangkan dalam buku sirah Rasulullah SAW yang ku baca dulu, bagaimana mereka menggambarkan rupa Rasulullah, yang putih bersih kemerah-merahan ... sudah semestinya berkali-kali ganda lebih berseri dan bercahaya dari wajah TG Syeikh Nuruddin ini... Ya Allah ..daku rindu untuk bertemu dengan mu Ya Rasulullah SAW...

"*KENALilah Allah di waktu LAPANG, Allah akan mengenalmu di saat kamu SENGSARA (sempit)...
*Bagi org yg (teguh) berPRINSIP, bukan keMATIan tapi apakah ROH mendapat RAHMAT SELEPAS kematian yg dirisaukan...
*Apa salahnya MAULID, Syair, qasidah, etc (SELAWAT) utk mengingati keCINTAan kita kpd Nabi SAW..." 

-TGSyeikhNuruddin @SATS7SA 280113

Saturday, February 2, 2013


10 creative backsplashes

  While I let my imagination run wild in my art career, I stick to very conservative treatments in my home and  advise the same with clients.  I usually ask  two questions:
  1. Will you still love this in 5 years?
  2. How will  this  treatment affect  resale value?  
I know ... boring and predictable, but there you have it.  I think it's great that there are people who are willing to step into the abyss and let their creativity run wild.  What do you think of these?

Designer Drew Stuart placed his client's favorite Josef Frank fabric between two pieces of architectural glass above this stove.

You can have back painted glass in any colour. 

LouiseM is a French story-telling painter  who mixes pop and street art. This personalized  interior included  the names of the family members and their favourite foods and drinks.

Pebbles with dark gray grout.  

Wine corks with black and white art.

Great use for the defunct Canadian penny!  Busy for sure.  Working copper into a kitchen colour scheme could be a problem.

  Everstone is putting out uniquely shaped designs, from pointy shards to circular bubbles. Seems fitting for a backsplash!

A truly one-of-a-kind option, this colorful backsplash made with recycled skateboards is featured in a kitchen in the Lofts at Cherokee Studios multifamily project in L.A.

What about vintage bottle caps?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Inilah Surat Cinta Tertua Didunia

Surat cinta tertua di dunia yang dijumpai di lembah Niffer, 150 batu dari Baghdad, Iraq, dikatakan ditulis pada sekitar tahun 2200SM.

Penemuan ini berdasarkan kajian arkeologi oleh Noah Kramer Profesor dari Philadelphia University pada tahun 1889. Pada mulanya ada kira-kira 70 ribu artifak yang berbahasa Sumeria yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan maksudnya. 58 tahun kemudian, dua orang ahli

Pelik! Wanita Ketagih Makan Bulu Kucing

Seorang wanita, Lisa memiliki tabiat makan yang pelik. Wanita berusia 43 tahun ini mengaku ketagih memakan bulu kucing sejak 15 tahun lalu.

Lisa telah mendedahkan keunikan dirinya dalam acara popular TLC musim ini. Dia memperolehi bulu kucing dengan mengumpulkan bulu kucing yang bertaburan di apartment menerusi kucing yang dia pelihara.

Dan yang paling pelik lagi adalah, Lisa mengaku bahawa

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