Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Peliknya Garpu Ini Boleh Bercakap!

Kalau di China terkenal dengan makanan yang pelik-pelik, tetapi lain pula di Jepun. Jepun memang terkenal dengan kecanggihan teknologi dan kepakaran yang hebat. Pelbagai alat elektronik, elektrik selalunya yang sangat berkualiti adalah keluaran jepun.

Garfu ini dikatakan boleh bercakap, bagaimana tu? Apabila garfu ini diketuk-ketuk pada makanan contohnya nugget ayam, maka dia akan menyebut

2 + 2 = 5

Here is a video I received by Shabab Alif, an activist. Different people watching this video would have different interpretation of it. After I watched it, it made me ponder:

If I fight for the correct answer and eventhough I am right, I will still die. If I chose to follow the leader, I might be wrong, but remain alive. This reminds me of Les Miserables movie where all (except one) who was fighting for revolution died, even a small boy. But, that one person who survived will still continue to fight for his rights. So like one of the comments said, even if you kill a hero, there will always be another hero.

It can also be related to real life where there are leaders and followers. Some people would rather just keep quiet, be a follower and avoid confrontation, while others would voice out and fight till the wrong becomes right.

The movie also shows that you can brainwash people, just not all of them are that weak.

Bagaimana Semut Tahu Bahawa Ajalnya Akan Tiba?

Ketika seekor hampir mati, semut-semut yang lain akan segera mengetahuinya. Namun, bagaimana semut boleh mengetahui bahawa rakannya akan mati?

Adalah suatu teori ilmiah yang menjelaskan hal ini. Semut mati melepaskan zat kimia yang dihasilkan oleh dekomposisi seperti asam lemak yang memberi tanda kematian pada koloni semut lain.

Namun teori ini kemudiannya dibantah oleh hasil penyelidikan

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Satu Kampung Penduduknya Menyerupai Ketam

Di sebuah perkampungan yang terietak di wilayah Dusun Ulutaue, daerah Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, hampir kesemua penduduknya mengalami masalah kelainan fizikal. Tangan dan kaki mereka hanya mempunyai dua jari sehingga kelihatan seperti penyepit ketanm.

Secara normal, manusia dilahirkan dengan dua tangan dan kaki, serta mempunyai lima jari di setiap bahagian berkenaana. Namun bagi penduduk di

Ada orang hack blog aku...

Gila seh......terkejut aku dapat emel ada post baru. Padahal aku x buat post baru pun. Pas baca aku delete la post tu....

kaya ke kayap
Siap nak wasiat kan juta2 dolar. Ada ka org giler lagu ni kat dunia ni....Ingat aku akan terpedaya ka???? Aku belum kemaruk nak jadi kaya terkejut camni. Biar la aku usaha sendiri, sikit2.

Pada Mrs Nicole ni, please dont do this again. Just rest in peace ok....Appreciate the time lord gives u. Use it for valuable things like spend times with ur friends, help people in needs, or write ur own blog, gives advices, tell people about ur unvaluable life experience. U will be appreciate now and forever.....

Dah makin banyak lak masuk. Aku kena delete je lah.......

Misteri Mumia Tertua Dunia Sebelum Zaman Mesir

Masyarakat Chinchorro merupakan masyarakat purba di sepanjang pantai Chile dan Peru. Cuma, yang menjadi persolan saintis ialah bagaimana mereka boleh mengekalkan pakaian, rambut, kulit pada mayat yang berusia beribu-ribu tahun sebelum kewujudan mesir purba?

Kebanyakan mumia yang ditemui di kawasan gurun Atacama di Chile, apakah dengan cuaca melampau namun berhampiran atau ditanam di lumpur

Today's news

Today, I read some interesting news in the Daily Mail. Not good news, but something everyone should be aware of.

Article #1: Horse meat found in Beef Burgers sold in Tesco, Aldi and Lidl!!

I am not worried about the horse meat, just worried about which part of the animal was minced!

Article #2: Facebook becomes a search engine like Google.
How private is Facebook nowadays? I recently found out that some of my photos and post which I set to 'friends only' was actually changed to 'public'. I had to manually change the settings again. My friend and I 'unfriend' each other just to check to see what both of us could see on each others profile as a stranger.

"Facebook has dramatically overhauled its search service to allow people to search for information and pictures posted by their friends - as well as public posts from everyone else on Facebook.
The new 'Graph Search' service allows users to search photos, people, and connections, and find places their friends have recommended."


Article #3: A lady who wanted to sell her dress on Ebay accidentally included her NAKED self in the picture!
When posting a picture online, check every inch of the photo beforehand to avoid 'Likes' for a very different reason.

Article #4: "If your son wears a V neck, means he is gay", says the Malaysian Government
Unbelievable!!! All my years of reading Daily Mail, there was rarely any news about Malaysia. Now, I think Daily Mail has finally picked out a 'hot topic' from Malaysia. These kinds of 'Hot Topics' are pretty frequent in Malaysia. So, I guess I will be reading more about what Malaysia's government has to say in the near future in Daily Mail.... and its NOT GOOD!

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