Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kapal Purba Milik Firaun Di Temui

Rangka sebuah bot kayu yang digunakan pada zaman firaun dan berusia 5,000 tahun ditemui di kawasan arkeologi Abu Rawash, barat Kaherah oleh beberapa ahli arkeologi Perancis.

Seorang pekerja mengukur lebar rangka sebuah bot Firaun.

Panjang bot solar itu ialah 6 meter (m) panjang dan 1.5m lebar.

Pendedahan penemuan itu dibuat oleh Kementerian Antikuiti Mesir kelmarin.

Pada kebiasaannya, bot

[Pelik] Nenek Dua Kali Di Istiharkan Mati

TOMSK (Siberia): Seorang nenek dua kali bangkit daripada mati, malah terselamat selepas tiga hari berada di sebuah rumah mayat.

Hardy (kanan), anaknya, Anastasia (kiri) dan cucu, Nelli.

Wanita Russia berusia 61 tahun itu diisytiharkan mati sebanyak dua kali oleh doktor tetapi hidup semula, termasuk beberapa minit sebelum dibedah siasat.

Hardy Lyudmila Steblitskaya menghabiskan masa tiga

American Apple Pie

Selepas mendapat mixer yg baru, bersemangat sikit nak buat kuih ...cuba tengok mixer yang baru saya dapat di sini..
Sudah lama saya tak buat Apple Pie. Dulu semasa belajar di USA, saya rajin buat Apple Pie sebab buah apple kan murah kat sana, apatah lagi selepas pergi Apple Picking ...berkotak-kotak apple ... jadi saya suka buat Apple Pie, apatah lagi cik suami suka makan Apple Pie ...
 American Apple Pie, baked with Love..
bak kata Chef Ammar di TV Al-Hijrah ..
"Masak dari Hati, Masak dengan Iman"

Alhamdulillah ...setelah lama tak buat ...jadi juga... 
resepi ikut resepi yg saya belajar semasa di USA ..

Kulit Pie
 (resepi ni boleh buat utk 2 pie)
225g mentega 
150g gula halus
3 biji telur
500g tepung roti

 1. Putar mentega dengan gula sehingga ringan. 
2. masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji diikuti dengan tepung. Adun sehingga menjadi doh.
3. Bulat-bulatkan doh dan bungkus dengan plastik.  Dinginkan dalam peti sejuk selama lebih kurang 2 jam. Selepas 2 jam, keluarkan dan canaikan dengan ketebalan yg sesuai dan lapikkan dalam acuan pie. 
4. Bakar kosong kulit pie , tutup dengan aluminium foil dan tindih dgn kacang hijau di atasnya pada suhu 175 darjah Celcius atau 350 darjah Fahrenheit selama 10 minit sehingga kuning keemasan..kemudian keluarkan dari oven dan sejukkan.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Melangkah ke Tahun baru 2013

Pejam celik pejam celik pejam celik ..
tahun 2012 sudah pun berlalu ..
Selamat Datang 2013

Hari-hari berlalu seperti biasa
kehidupan perlu diteruskan
Umur semakin pendek menghampiri saat kematian
Berapa banyakkah bekalan yang sudah kita sediakan 
untuk menghadapi saat-saat itu? 

Are decor trends important?

I am interested in following the latest  trends in interior design.   I need to know these things to have relevant discussions with clients and to understand where the industry is headed.  Many  trends come and go without ever hitting the average home.

Colour of the year is a good example of a temporary trend.  Depending on which paint company your like, you will have a different colour of the year!   I use Benjamin Moore paint and this year the colour of the year is ....

 Lemon Sorbet 2019-60

This is an interesting fact to know, but I doubt this time next year it will make much difference  because there will be a new colour of the year.

 Then there are broader colour trends that seem to last for much longer, e.g., the change from beige/brown to grays as the predominant neutral in home decor.  This type of information  is  more important to be aware of because it produces whole palette shifts in home accessories including textiles. The  change to grays has moved palettes from warmer and earthy  to cooler and cleaner colours.

 Rather than the burnt orange/rust  of the brown/beige  era

 you will now find  a more true orange mixed with grays.

 Rather than olive/mossy greens of the brown era...

  you will find fresh apple greens.

You can have such wonderful pops of colour with grays and this is reflected in the vibrancy of home accessories available in the market place today. 

 Several years ago I looked for emerald green accessories for a client.  It was almost impossible to find any!  Pantone's colour of the year for 2013 is...

I find Pantone's colour predictions have more impact on fashion and home decor than those of specific  paint companies. This year you will have no difficulty finding emerald green accessories.

 It is important to keep up with trends that will  impact big ticket, relatively permanent products like hardwood, tile and cabinets.  You do not want to select something that will be dated  quickly.  Awareness of these trends does not mean you have to buy into them.  Sometimes choosing exactly the opposite is the the best design solution for longevity.   That is why it is wiser to choose  more neutral  long term items for your home.

Homeowners  who jumped on the dark wood look  for kitchens will probably end up sorry for their selection sooner rather than later.     Extremes rarely work for long periods of time. I predict the patterned glass mosaic backsplash tile that is all the rage now  will have run its course soon too.

That's why classic soft white kitchen cabinets will always work. There are no extremes in this kitchen.   The style is softly traditional, the tiles are plain and the counters are  lighter granite.   I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea.  I am talking about what stands the test of time.

Staying with a traditional example, if you don't like white, consider a more mid tone neutral  or  ...

  mid toned stained  wood. 

Stay tuned for 2013 decor trends with staying power. 

New Year Eve 2012

One more day till 2013.
It always feels exciting to be able to live another year.
Everyone is one year older,
Hopefully one year wiser,
One year happier.

I am having one of the best time of my life right now with a bunch of humble pies :)

Today calls for make-up!! I rarely wear them. But, today is a rare occasion.

Happy New Year everyone!

Last Call !!!

(LAST DAY 31st Dec 2012 ONLY until 12 midnight!! 
Special offer, ALL items listed below will be 50% DISCOUNT!!!  
Ordered and pay by tomorrow!!! )

click here

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