Monday, November 19, 2012

Celebrate ordinary things

 It is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money to accessorize your home.  Much of what you need is probably in another room or in the natural environment. Garage sales, thrift stores etc. can  also provide  economical options.  The trick is to select  things that have multiple uses.  In this way you can rotate objects to make them new.   I love bottles and natural elements together.  It's no wonder I loved Anna Truelsen's My Lovely Things blog when I found it this week. She is a pro at using ordinary things for big impact. 

 Take one white table and add various bottles and natural elements.  When you add a growing bulb to the mix the vignette will change as the bulb grows.

 The look is changed completely when a black frame is used as a backdrop and a potted plant and a narrow necked bottle is added with a chair in the foreground.

 Different bottles with feathery ferns change the look again.  I was thinking how I would love to add a small black and white print inside the frame to fill up the space at the top. What do you think?

Replacing the black frame with a mirror adds to the repetition of objects and the mirror will also reflect other things in the decor.  Massing object together has big impact.

With Christmas just around the corner what could you do to add a little festive flavour? 

 This  vignette and the one below are so simple,  inviting and in keeping with the other elements in the home.   

 Repetition of glass and natural elements with a few sparkles.  Very inviting. 

And now for something more dramatic!

Who knew that one sculptural green leaf could be so dramatic? 

This vignette is built on varying shades and finishes of black with a strongly sculptural branch with blossoms to break up the starkness of the space. You could achieve a similar look with any colour interior by keeping the colour of the objects in the same family.  Certainly black has an impact that other colours might not have.

Look around.  What do you have in your home that you could group together?

Everything is fine

Maybe there was a reason for me to be here, at this time, this year.
I am happier this time... That is all that matters :)

Updates on Stirling, Loch Awe and Oban soon... lol.. maybe

Karnival Keluarga Sakinah

Alhamdulillah pada hari Ahad yang lalu kami berpeluang menghadiri program keluarga Sakinah anjuran pertubuhan IKRAM Shah Alam, di Surau Platinum Mawaddah, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam.
 Pelbagai aktiviti telah di adakan sepanjang separuh hari dari jam 9 pagi hingga 1 tghr. 

 Pemeriksaan kesihatan percuma oleh IKRAM Health
(Anakanda saya Asma' pun turut terlibat memberi perkhidmatan ini)

 Pelbagai aktiviti untuk para aulad

Gerai-gerai jualan yang menjual pelbagai items - makanan , cookies, cake , kerepek , air, pakaian ..etc...

Kempen oleh Aqsa Syarif untuk  mengutip dana bagi tujuan membantu saudara seagama kita di GAZA ..

dan agenda utama adalah bual bicara kekeluargaan sakinah oleh Ustazah Maznah Daud, Ketua Wanita IKRAM, penceramah Radio IKIm dan Tanyalah Ustazah 
bersama Pak Utih, penceramah motivasi keluarga yang tidak asing lagi (saya pernah attend kursus motivasi MAHLIGAI KASIH bersama beliau)

 dan juga Imam Muda Naufal (Finalis Imam Muda)
sembang santai berkenaan Generasi Y - K-Pop di hatiku?

Photography love

I am so in love with these photographs! In love and impressed.. Gives me a calming effect
Just a few favourites below:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Resepi Puding Karamel

Petua hilangkan sakit gigi

Bila aku dah cabut gigi baru jumpa petua2 ni. Habis duit aku RM150 cabut gigi, tampal dan cuci. Cuci x bersih lak tu. Kalu aku boleh cuci sendiri x per la. Yg dah ditampal pun x leh guna, sakit bila mengunyah.

Nak kena pergi klinik gigi betul la. Yg aku pi tu kat Batu Kurau, Tukang Gigi jer. Dulu pakcik dia buat, dah mati dah. DIa lak ambil alih. Tp biasa la bila dah tukar orang, harga pun lebih sikit la. Dulu cabut ka tampal ka, RM30 ja. La ni dah RM50. Main ngan sakit ni x kira la brp pun...

Puas dah aku cuba macam2 petua. Bila baca balik petua ni baru tau, x ikut prosedur rupanya.

Baru2 ni kawan aku ada pergi Klinik gigi (bukan swasta) kat Kepala batas. Doktor buat reroot, buang urat gigi. So gigi dah tak sakit, mati ler gigi tu tp buleh guna. Macam best jer, bila nak p x tau. Sekupang haram pun x kena. Jeles gak aku. Dah kena RM150 pun gigi duk sakit gak lagi.

Makan malam


Semalam anak-anak sepupu saya bermalam kat rumah. Semua ni budak bandar. Datang sini semperna cuti sekolah. Diaorang ni penggemar kari. So makteh yang masak kekadang sedap kekadang tak sedap ni pun buat satu keputusan yang bijk. Masak kari telur, goreng ayam, sayur dan sambal belacan! Laju diaorang ni makan. Siap puji sedap. Memang puas hati tengok diaorang ni makan.  Padahal takde la sedap sangat, tapi dah diaorang tu suka.. hehehe..

Alhamdulilah... kenyang diaorang.

Kakak balqis yang paling besar tu UPSR dapat 6A 1B tau! Dia sekolah cina, so banyak la paper UPSR dia. Kesian....... sekolah rendah dah banyak paper, makteh dulu 4 paper je..tu pun 2A je kakak ooiii...

Ok, nanti makteh masak lagi yek.


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