Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bukit tabur hiking trip

A bunch of us went for a hike at Bukit Tabur located at Taman Melawati. We started out hike at around 7.30am. We hiked about three hours. It was definitely not an easy hike for me. It was fun and it was a good workout. Imagine doing lunges more than the usual sets of 25 in the gym. We parked the car and then took a few steps towards a trackless slope and Jo Lene said "Ok, start climbing" I was like huh climb??!! lol

The first five minutes of the hike made me pant so much already and my thighs were burning. I wanted to stop already but then I was the one who organised the trip. So, basically that was my motivation to move forward ;) Surprisingly the first part of the hike was really tiring but after that it was just more about finding the right parts of the rocks to climb. I did bang my knees on the rocks, bled under my thumb nail because the rocks were sharp and banged my head on a huge rock lol.
-our rocky hiking trail-
-one of out few rest stops-

Aside from my injuries, I loved the hike and i know it would get easier with more experience. It was just my first time afterall. All the panting and sweating was worth it when we were able to enjoy the breathtaking view of the city. On one side it was all green while on the other side was the concrete jungle.

Walking down for me was much more difficult than going up. This was because it could be slippery when stepping on tiny rocks. Also, I think I had to use my brains more while getting down as I needed to watch and choose where to step so I that I didn't trip and fall. I did fall at one time anyway XD Thanks to Jo Lene and her Boyfriend for being awesome guides. I don't think I would have had the guts to hike up without them. I would probably stop hiking after the first five minutes..... Or if I made it up to the peak, I would probably be lost at how to hike back down....

 After the hike, we had rojak mamak. We all wanted cendol but it was too early for the stall to be opened. So, we headed to my house for some mooncakes and chocolate cupcakes while waiting for the cendol stall to open.

Hiking should be the new trend to hang out with friends! It was nice catching up :)

berjemaah di porch


masa rumah terbuka mak menakan suami beberapa minggu lepas, kami berjemaah kat luar. kat porch rumah. best! rasanya ni la 1st time saya berjemaah kat porch rumah. kami diimamkan oleh ibrahim, suami kepada sepupu suami. rasanya dia sebaya saya,takpun lebih muda. bacaannya lancar, taklah semerdu imam masjid, tapi cukup jelas dan sesungguhnya saya kagum! 
dia 'budak bandar' yang dididik dengan sangat baik. 

jarang 'budak bandar' boleh menjadi imam. 
so, kepada 'budak kampung', tak malu ke dengan budak bandar? 
dah la dalam hal dunia 'budak bandar' menang, 
takan hal akhirat pun korang nak kalah??

fikir fikirkan ye..


Friday, September 14, 2012

Kos BRACES yang karut

Aku tak pahamlah ada satu klinik gigi yang aku selalu datang untuk treatment braces. Entah apa2 caj dia kenakan. Dulu masa sebelum aku pasang braces kat klinik ni aku dah dapat consultation doktor perempuan kat situ dan katanya kos aku berjumlah RM4000. Kedian aku tanya ada tak xtra kos atau hidden kos dan katanya tak ada. Oklah aku pun setuju sebab tak ada kos2 pelik.

Kedian alih2 lepas 5 bulan pakai tetiba receptionist suruh bayar xtra rm150. Katanya doktor check tadi ada barang kat gigi yang tercabut. Pulak! doktor tak cakap apa2 pun kat aku masa treatment tu. Masa tu aku dah rasa cuak bila kena caj yang aku sendiri tak tau hujung pangkal. Dalam hati dah sumpah seranah.

Kedian bulan dua baru ni sehari selepas treatment seperti biasa ada satu bracket di geraham aku sebelah kanan tercabut. Aku pun pegilah ke klinik tu esoknya yang jaraknya lebih kurang 50km. Doktor pun check dan dia admit itu kesalahan dia tak lekat gam dengan kemas. Tapi takde pun receptionist tu nak tolak kos kesalahan doktor tu ke tapi aku tak dicaj le time tu.

Kedian baru2 ni bracket geraham aku sebelah kiri tercabut pulak. So doktor pun betulkanlah balik dan katanya aku punya ligamen bergerak sebab tu tercabut. Doktor pun tak cakap apa2 pasal caj alih2 masa kat counter receptionist tu kata kena bayar rm150 sebab benda tu tercabut. Kena bayar sebab bukan kesalahan aku? Jawab receptionist ya. Haha lawak rasanya klinik ni. Kedian aku tanya ini kiranya hidden costlah ye. Dengan senyum bangga dan kata2 yang lembut menggoda dia kata ya memang hidden cost. Dah tu apa yang RM4000 tu cover? Dia cover xray, retainer...bla..bla tak termasuk rosak, tercabut, tampal. Tapi akak punya ok baru dua kali aje kena org lain lagi byk. Ada yang sampai kena rm10,000 hidden costnya. Lahabau punya jawapan.

Kalau aku jadi org tu memang dah kena bakor klinik tu. Nampak sangatlah doktor kat klinik ni tak telus. Gila duit punya manusia. Jangan haraplah aku nak halalkan duit hidden cost tu. Tapi perbualan aku dengan recepionist tu aku dah rakam next time aku nak rakam perbualan aku dengan doktor pulak. Mungkin aku akan report pada persatuan gigi pasal sikap tak telusnya depa tu. Aku takkan rekomen klinik ni untuk sesapa pun. Inilah gambor kliniknya.

Pappa Rich Express at TAR college

I went to TAR college to try their papa rich for lunch since my sister told me the price is cheaper there. It was true! I was always a fan of the chicken rice at Papa Rich, hence I ordered that again this time to compare. The price of my chicken rice was rm6.80. Normal price at other Pappa Rich would be double that amount. Of course, the price I paid means there will be lesser of something, which was the chicken portion. But, the portion was still satisfying and best of all, it was piping hot when served.

My sister ordered nasi lemak which cost rm2.80. Considering that it was Pappa Rich, the price was reasonable. I do not think Oldtown's nasi lemak cost that cheap. I had a taste of the sambal from the nasi lemak and I loved it because of its spicyness. I am salivating now just thinking about it!

They even have a tapao set special for various days. Just send an sms and we can get a discount of 50cents for the set. I intend to try it next time.

bersyukur saat diuji


saya baru selesai membaca buku bersyukur saat diuji. saya ambil masa yang lama untuk menghabiskan buku ini. secara peribadinya, buku ni sangat berat untuk saya. buku ini sarat dengan ilmu yang sangat berat untuk saya 'pikul'. selesai membaca 1 bab, saya akan berhenti. berhenti untuk mendalami setiap ayat di dalamnya. saya fikir, mungkin inilah bezanya fikiran pemilik phd dan diploma. bahasanya sangat 'tinggi', senang untuk dibaca, sukar untuk dimengertikan. lagipun saya ni memang slow sikit. :)

buku ini tepu dengan nasihat, teladan, nilai2 yang perlu ada bagi umat islam dan yang paling menarik, buku ini sangat rapat dengan saya. banyak ayat2 di dalamnya 'terkena batang hidung' saya. :) benar! 

buku ini mengingatkan saya tentang dosa, pahala, neraka, syurga dan mati. 

bab yang paling saya suka ialah ujian isteri.

 'suami itu adalah anugerah allah untuk kita mendekati diri kepadaNya. kita dan suami tidak mempunyai hubungan yang mutlak. nanti bila kita menghadapNya, kita akan pergi berseorangan tanpa suami.'

oh! kata-kata ini sangat terkesan untuk saya. 

bacalah buku ni, mudah mudahan ianya akan mendatangkan kebaikan, insyallah..

**tq puan munirah sebab pinjamkan saya buku ni :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

rindu afdlin & azhad


rindunya kat anak-anak buah si afdlin & azhad ni. tapi bila jumpa geram sangat!
 banyak 'akai' 2 beradik ni. 
bukannya nak manja ngan makteh.
 azhad asyik 'amau! amau!' je bila ngan makteh.
 afdlin lagi la, siap cakap lagi ' abang takmau geng ngan makteh, abang geng ngan makcik yin!'
bikin panassss betul..

lagi geram bila cakap fon ngan afdlin, kita ni panjang je cerita, tiba2 dia boleh cakap
 'ape? ape? abang tak faham la!' 
ishhhhhhhhh.....macam nak nangis air mata darah makteh ni!! 

tengok senyuman bila ngan pakcik yon!
ni pun ngan pakcik yon!

muka cuka!

ni muka nakal, ishh..gigi xde!

ni muka masalah,ada je benda yang tak kena.
tengok!! tengok!! buka bahagia bila ngan pakcik yon!! ngan makteh xde pun nak lentok2 camni!!! ggeerrrrr...

geram2 pun tetap rindu.

Pulau Langkawi 2012 (Part 2)

After writing about Langkawi Island Part 1, I thought I would continue writing about Part 2 right after. But, it does take time to write and everyday after the Langkawi trip there were so many other things to do. I finally have time to sit down and sort out my photos in my iphone which has reached to 3158 photos! That is probably one reason why my iphone battery cannot last for more than half a day. Unfortunately, after spending 1.5 hours sorting out the photos, I am still not done. It was too much!! I decided to keep the sorting aside and blog about Langkawi Island Part 2....
Where do I begin since the trip was quite long ago....

Part 1 was about:
Getting to Langkawi
Transportation n Langkawi
and Food

Generally, sightseeing in Langkawi is liberally scattered around the island. You will definitely need to rent a bike or car (read Part 1 about renting) to get to the famous attractions. It usually takes 3 days to visit the whole island.

Places of interest
1. Langkawi's Cable Car at Oriental Village
Upon check-in at our hotel, the first place we visited was the Oriental Village. It was just a 5 minute drive from Berjaya Resort, which was where we stayed. Oriental Village appealed to me the first time I went there, but after that, it was nothing great. It was like an expensive flea market for tourist and not for locals. I only walked through Oriental Village to get to the Cable Car. When going for the Cable Car, I always hope that:
-there will be no long queue (The queue can be really long at peak seasons)
-the weather is fine
-everything will be the same as before or even better

Lucky for us there wasn't any queue to buy the tickets. Using the MyKad gives us discount for the cable car tickets. We paid, we went up. The ride up was pretty good. It was 5pm, so the weather was pretty good. The higher we went, the cooler it felt. There are two stops for the cable car. We skipped the first stop as it was just a stop to see the view. We continued on to the second stop, which was higher than the first. The second stop was where the suspended bridge was located.

Unfortunately, the suspended bridge was closed for maintenance. When I asked the person in charge how long will the bridge be closed, he told me about 6 months! I was like wow... and then my dissapointment sets in because the main purpose of forking out money for the cable car ticket was to be on the suspended bridge. The lady at the ticketing counter should have informed us before we made the ticket purchase.

With nothing else to do, we just sat around, enjoyed the weather, fresh air and the fantastic view of the island from above. It did drizzle a bit, but not much to get drenched.

We spent about two hours just hanging out and taking photos.

2. Black Sand Beach
On Day 2, we started our day by visiting the Black Sand Beach. It is always better to visit the beach earlier or in the eveing because it can be a tad too sunny in the afternoon. There are also shops selling beach wear and food near the beach. The black sand beach is another must see when I go to Langkawi. It is afterall a historic place and in Malaysia, the black sand can only be found in Langkawi Island. I usually just spend 10 to 15 minutes looking at the black sand.

There is also a board which tells the folkstale and the scientific explanation about why the sand is black.

Then, as usual, I will have coconut water nearby to quench my thirst. The coconut water there is always satisfying.

3. Eagle Square (Dataran Lang)
The third must go place is Eagle Square, which is noticeable if one comes into Langkawi by ferry.. The eagle represents Langkawi.

It is a good place to get a picture with the word 'Langkawi" just to tell the world that you have been to Langkawi :) Eagle Square is located near the Kuah Jetty.

Besides getting a picture with the Eagle, there is nothing much to do there unless you want to eat good mee goreng mamak at the mamak shop, in the jetty area.

If you go there in the evening, there is a chance you will be able to catch the gorgeous sunset.


4. Taman Lagenda Theme Park
This is located about a 5 minute walk from Eagle Square. It is just a scenic park with landscaped gardens. So, if you are not a person who is into greenery, dont have to visit there.

5. Durian Perangin Waterfalls
This is a good place to go to unwind and relax. It is better than Telaga Tujuh Falls.

6. Other places of interest
There were plenty more places of interest but we did not cover all because it was raining most of the time. For more, visit this site.
-At Makam Mahsuri-

.... part 3 next time...... about beaches

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