Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gambar semasa perjalanan ke KL

ligan chopper


myvi pink, cantik x?


caya la bro. kawasaki 250 ke ni?

dr bilik hotel

menara kl

jem di kl

klcc malam

depan pasaraya kotaraya

malam di kl

x jem

baru clear. tanpa flash


tanpa flash lg lawa

x guna flash gak. beza kan.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

AlJazeera English

AlJazeera English

AlJazeera Arabic

Timeless design

San Fransisco based designer Jiun Ho creates rooms that are harmonious and balanced by using textures against clean lines, simple fabrics and inviting shapes. I am attracted to his interior spaces because they re so well thought out and the scale of everything always seems right. Symmetry and restraint play a prominent role in all his work.  If I had to describe his interiors I would say they are tranquil,  classic and timeless, three characteristics that make beautiful interiors.   He describes his work as   " ... all about style rather than fashion, all about relaxed living rather than studied formality." 
 The quite simplicity of this entrance is perfect.  Some might consider it too stark, but I always find clean lines and minimalism  invite one to relax.

This small kitchen space uses an island to increase storage and provide an eating area. Although the cabinets are a darker colour, the lighter walls, floor and  seats balance the darks nicely. 

There is an overall lack of "objects" here,  but those that are chosen have perfect scale for the room.

In his palettes  you usually find one colour as an accent  used with darker neutrals - in this case  brown red . In the rooms below it's a rich gold.

 These two rooms share the fireplace and you can peek through from one to the other.  Perfection. Again darks are broken up with a significant amount of light and the lighting is provided by clean lined fixtures with bold scale.

How do you feel about these rooms?   Do you have a favourite?

Hajjah Rosmah Mansor Nyanyi Lagu Nobody Wonder Girl

Dengan segala bangganya mempersembahkan DS Hajjah Rosmah Mansor Nyanyi Lagu Nobody...

Facebook untung kot mana?

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Iklan ada banyak kat fb, kalu ada orang klik iklan2 tu, fb pun dapat duit la. Aku x pernah klik pun iklan2 tu. Kalu 1 klik fb dapat sekupang, 1000 klik baru 10hinggit. Tp fb ni ada berapa juta org duk masuk sehari. Pengguna fb sekarang dah meningkat kepada 240juta orang. Tu dia, kalau blog aku, 240 pun jadi lah. Kalau sehari 1 juta klik, atau terklik, dah 10000hinggit dah. Baru sehari, kalau sebulan dah..........300000hinggit. Ppeeeerrrrrgggghhhhhhh. Kaya aku. Aih! Bukan aku la, fb la.

Ada orang kata, duit ini diguna utk perangi rakyat Palestin. Astagfirullahallazim. Betul ke? Tapi xpa, kalau kita x klik iklan, fb x dapat duit la. Jadi kita x terlibat la. Hehehehehhe.....Boleh pakai ka?

bila la nk dapat????

Gambar Belangkas