Thursday, April 5, 2012

Obrien's thursday

Thursday's special at Obrien's was a caesar salad and a cup of either irish cream coffee or hot latte.

One of the best caesar salads i have tasted. I love croutons and there were plenty of it served. The salad portion was huge too.

In addition to that, tf and i had the triple decker sandwich. Glorious sandwich, i must say. I'd rather have OBriens than Subway. I was sochungry that I managed to finish most of the triple decker and left a tiny slice for tf.

Tf wanted a pie

White, black and ...


The colour of energy, sunshine and brightness.

It's difficult to ignore the high contrast colour scheme of white, black,  and primary yellow.    My personal preference is to have mostly white with hints of black and yellow, but the scheme plays out in different ways. You can tell from the images I've selected that it is a very contemporary look and not one you see often  in traditional decor.  A quieter look would be created if you substituted the black for gray- my all time favourite combination.  You can have a little or a lot of yellow through accessories. I've stayed away from the obvious choice of painting walls yellow which seems to be just too much yellow  for my taste.  Perhaps you disagree.
 How do you like yellow in......

Dining areas

Willowgrove Kitchen contemporary kitchen

 Willowgrove Kitchen contemporary kitchen
Only yellow art work makes this room vibrate.

Mallin Cres - Master Bedroom contemporary bedroom
 Atmosphere Interior Design Inc
This yellow is more toned but still effective with white and black.

Malibu Mediterranean mediterranean bedroom
Hollywood Regency Style Detail eclectic bedroom
 Madison Modern Home

Mallin Cres - Guest Bedroom contemporary bedroom
Atmosphere Interior Design Inc
Finding the right accessories finishes a space.  Imagine the tables in the two rooms above  without the hit of yellow. 

Glitzy-Glam meets Farmhouse-Chic contemporary bedroom
Martha O'Hara Interiors

Only yellow pillows in the bedroom and yellow flowers in the bathroom but it's enough to lift the spirits of these two rooms.
 Living Rooms

Loft Living modern living room
 Painted furniture brightens every room but you can't get any better than a yellow hue.


Yellow is a very commanding colour for chairs.  You certainly won't be ignoring this one.I love the way your eye moves from the chair to the art work and then to the accent pillows.  Perfect colour scatter.


Decor Pad 

One bright yellow chair speaks volumes and it's waterproof!

2010 Decorator Showcase modern bathroom
t De Meza + Architecture

White and black small mosaic tile with splashes of bright yellow to enhance it.  Lining the drawers with yellow is an extra surprise . 

Indian Grove Bathroom eclectic bathroom
 Palmerston Design Consultants

Imagine this room without the commanding art work.

Glenwood Residence eclectic bathroom
 Tobi Fairley

Sometimes one perfectly placed accent makes a room sing.  

Art as Pop traditional entry
Blue Tangerine Art

Don't forget the power of art to move a space from boring to exciting. This is one of my favourite images to show how art can lift any space to something special. 

Did you find inspiration in any of these rooms?  If you don't like yellow you could substitute yellow green, magenta, coral or turquoise.  

cerita kami


saya tak tahu kenapa, lepas baca post kawan saya ni, rasa sesuatu. touching!! air mata bertakung. walaupun ayat yang dia guna simple, tapi terasa hingga ke hati. saya juga seperti dia, terlalu sayangkan kisah kami.

mungkin persahaban orang lain lebih hebat.. mungkin persahabatan orang lain lebih erat.. tapi saya sudah cukup berpuas hati dengan persahabatan kami.. saya tak perlukan kisah sehebat orang lain.. saya sudah cukup bahagia dengan kisah ini..

Ya allah.. pelihalah persahabtan kami, jadikan kami sahabat yang sentiasa menyokong satu sama lain, jadikan kami sahabat yang sentisa membetulkan kesalahan sahabat-sahabat kami, jadikan kami sahabat yang sentiasa mendoakan sahabatnya, jadikan kami sahabat yang saling mengingati sahabatnya tentang dunia dan akhirat, jadikan persahabatan kami seikhlas dan secuci persahabatan Kekasihmu dan sahabat-sahabatnya.

doa sahabat kepada sahabatnya insyallah didengari oleh Nya


awat fb oiiiiiiiiiiii


ni,makcik nak tanya ni,awat tak tau fb ni tak boleh buka? bukan makcik punya ja,suami makcik si fariq reevo pun jadi benda yang sama!! banyak hari dah niii..

ish..tergendala aktiviti sosial makcik.

tak like langsung!!!

keluaq macam ni je..

perlis FM :)


shuuuuuuu... malu nak cita ni..
kemarin saya kena bagi penerangan pasal kerja saya kat perlis fm..
hehehe...malu kot suara keluar radio! :P
walaupun orang tak nampak muka, tapi MALU ok!!
perasaan takut tu macan nk gi interview tau! terus teringat yang last saya baca rob'bish sh'rohli  masa interview dulu. dah 1 tahun kot!!

nasib baik slot tu 45minit je..
en.DJ tu nampak yg saya ketaq..
tapi yang bestnya en.DJ cakap, takpe,saya pasang lagu banyak cikit..

wuuhuuu!! i like!!

suara saya ketaq ok!!

satu lagi pengalaman baru yang best!!


indahnya hidup ini..

hehe..puluns pulaks

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