Monday, March 19, 2012


adik saya hangat bercinta sekarang ni..

ala..adik yang perempuan tu la..

nak tahu, dia set nama pakwe dia 'GULA HATI' dalam hp..


lawak kan???

macam-macam budak-budak sekarang ni..

kalau dia baca mesti marah

Saturday, March 17, 2012

dia terpilih..


semalam 17.3.2012, dapat sms daripada ayah. "tok meninggal kat mekah"..

aku terkedu..
lepas tu terus aku bagitau kat adik n suami aku. dua-dua terdiam.
ya allah..
sangat-sangat terkejut.
tok meninggal sehari sebelum sepatutnya balik ke malaysia.
nasib baik kat sana ada ayah, ibu, bibik dan 2 sahabat baik tok.
ibu dan bibik mesti sangat sedih.
last aku dengar suara tok masa tengah cakap fon dengan ibu, tok cakap

'teh kena mai sini teh'

jelas dengar suara tok.

tok insan terpilih..
dia dipilih untuk bersemadi di sana..
tempat idaman setiap umat islam..

dia terpilih menjadi penghuni rumah allah..

walaupun tiada kubur untuk kami ziarah..
tapi kami redha..

semoga dia bahagia..

hanya doa dari seorang cucu yang dapat aku hadiahkan..

insyallah suatu hari nanti aku nak sangat pergi ke sana..
sepertimana tok cakap

'teh kena mai sini teh'

Adding freshness to your home

  We are now in our fog  and freezing rain stage  after a winter of cold and snow.

Even my cheery yellow chairs which I see every day  from my kitchen window aren't  helping me feel like spring is just around the corner. I like gray, but not the gray that shrouds our island in  March.  So my thoughts go to spring which we won't get until late April or early May.

In the summer I always have flowers from my garden but in winter and early spring they are purchased.  There's nothing like flowers to bring nature and freshness into your space. Using colourful books on a table or changing pillow covers are  also  inexpensive way to perk up a room.  A throw over a chair, bed or sofa back is also an inexpensive way to add splashes of colour.

 Choosing art works  with vibrant colours will add instant freshness and warmth to a space.

 If you want that fresh feeling in your home look to  nature for your inspiration.  You will discover all the colours that make you happy. Use these colours  to develop a complete colour scheme or pick them up as accents.

Breakers Beach House contemporary bedroom
Viscusi Elson Interior Design - Gina Viscusi Elson via Houzz

 Green is the ultimate fresh colour and when you pair it with white you will always have an inviting space.  Pillows or art work with nature inspired themes like leaves or flowers add a whole other layer of freshness to the blandest decor.

Poke small plants into a table top vignette and use nature inspired ceramics to create energy.  Botanical prints always work.

Sweet as a Candy eclectic hall
  Sweet as a Candy

Topiary  and wreaths laid horizontally  can add inviting touches of nature to arrangements.Again white is the perfect backdrop for green.
OLD BRAND NEW modern hall

 Camilla Molders Design contemporary living room

 If you're someone who can't keep a plant alive for longer than two weeks buy sculptural leaves and artfully add them  to your room. They have a long shelf life! 

Amoroso Design contemporary family room
 Amoroso Design

Bath contemporary bathroom

You don't need to break the bank when buying fresh flowers .  Make up for quantity by buying the most vivid blooms you can find and group them in threes. 

Vintage Residence contemporary dining room
Jessica Lagrange Interiors LLC

Use fresh fruit to add beautiful colour to your space. These green apples leap off the table in  this high contrast scheme.  Note the splashes of lavender blue too.
Somerly Clubroom eclectic living room
Niki Papadopoulos via houzz

Pillows and  other accessories can be quickly changed from room to room to make a space look new.  You never know where you will find objects in my house. Recycling what you already own adds freshness to your space.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

cara buat tajuk posting berjalan

Cara memasangnya:
1.Log in ke blog >> design >>Template>Edit HTML

2.cari kod <h3 class='post-title entry-title'> lebih mudah jika gunakan ctrl+f (klik didalam template dan tekan butang Ctrl+F supaya muncul fungsi find)untuk mudahkan pencarian   anda.
3.Setelah jumpa kod diatas tambah kod menjadi seperti dibawah ini:

<marquee direction="right" scrollamount="10"><h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
      <b:if cond=''>
        <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>
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tambahkan kod berwarna merah pada permulaan <h3 class='post-title entry-title'> dan diakhir </h3>
Boleh juga dibuat berbagai bentuk teks berjalan seperti yang terdapat pada tutorial membuat teks berjalan sebelum ini.
Selamat mencuba....:)

update 8/5/2013

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Download video youtube and convert to 3gp, mp4 format

Ada 1 software freecorder 4,sekarang dah 5 kot, ia akan merekod video yg kita tgk secara automatik. Lepas tu kita boleh pilih dan save la. Siap ada converter utk tukar ke format lain macam 3gp, mp4 dan banyak lagi. Software ni boleh download percuma ja.

freecorder 4 download
 Aku baru tahu jer sebab duk cari video alif ba ta. Cd yg aku beli dah tersangkut dalam cd changer hifi aku. Elok la dah 4 tahun dah hi fi tu. Cd changer ni memang cepat rosak. Repair pun tahan 3 4 bulan jer, pastu rosak balik.

La ni aku download video, convert ke mp4. Save dlm hanset. Cucuk tv cable tayang kat tv. Lagi senang. Xder sangkut2 dah.


Kalau ada projektor lagi best. Aku ada beli mini led projektor from china tp biasa la. Kena tutup abis lampu baru nampak. Tu pun blur gak lagi. Baik sambung kat tv jer, 32" cukup la.

nokia tv cable

mini led projector

Ada gambar aku ambik utk tunjukkan kualiti display bila guna mini projektor ni.

gambar dalam gelap

kalau pasang lampu

Dr Grumpy

When I am feeling down, i open Dr. Grumpy's blog to read. No one else has made me chuckle except him.

On another bizarre note, Urban dictionaries states that 14th march is Steak and Blowjob Day - Celebrated on March 14th, Steak and Blowjob Day is a holiday for men, celebrated the month after Valentine's Day -- a holiday for women. The idea is simple: no cards, flowers, candy or other whimsical... -

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


rindu kat ayah & ibu
semoga kedua-dua insan yang sangat saya cintai ini cemerlang sebagai tetamu Allah di sana
semoga keindahan berada di sana dibawa pulang
semoga keenakan beramal di sana dikekalkan hingga keakhir hayat
semoga cinta kepada Allah menebal setiap detik

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