Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sangat ikhlas

kata-kata ini sang suami yang sangat ikhlas

" Roza adalah isteri saya. Bukan Sekadar Resepi merupakan perjalanan kisah hidup beliau yang sangat panjang. Lalu disatu persimpangan, saya turut bersama meneruskan perjalanan beliau, sama ada saya mendahului atau beliau mengikuti, ia tidak terlalu mustahak. 

Saya tidak tahu bila kami akan berhenti. Siapa, saya atau beliau dahulu meninggalkan perjalanan ini juga tidak mustahak. Namun ada sesuatu yang pasti, saya berdoa agar kami – saya dan Roza – dapat bertemu kembali di syurga Firdaus.

Benar, Allah SWT telah berjanji untuk menganugerahkan bidadari namun tidak mengapa jika bidadari itu masih Roza, insan yang membekaskan seluruh kehidupan saya.

Mudah-mudahan – di sana – kami dapat menikmati hidangan enak dan istimewa yang benar-benar bukan sekadar resepi." 

---prof. muhd kamil

kerana itu


sejak kecil saya dah biasa tengok ibu sedekahkan duit kat orang-orang yang meminta sedekah kat pasar malam. walaupun  keluarga kami taklah mewah, tapi ibu tetap sedekah. ibu cakap, anggap sedekah tu menabung, kalau sayang duit kertas, rasa banyak sangat, bagi duit syiling. kalau sayang juga duit syiling rm1 tu,bagi duit pecah.. anggap macam menabung, nanti Allah bagi ganjaran, kita tak boleh kedekut. Kita susah, tapi orang yang minta sedekah tu lagi susah.

Bagi saya, semua tu tak penting!! lagi baik kalau saya masuk dalam tabung, bila banyak nanti,boleh tukar dan beli apa yang saya nak!! Tapi.. bila tengok ibu bagi, rasa macam nak bagi juga. Ibu pula,kalau tengok saya tak bagi,dia akan bagi duit kat saya dan suruh saya bagi.

Bila dah  remaja, saya dah mula jadikan sedekah tu satu pelaburan!! dah boleh fikir apa yang ibu cakap tu betul.. Saya dah mula rasa tak sedap hati kalau tak sedekah.. dah mula rasa bersalah kalau tak hiraukan orang yang minta sedekah..

bersedekah lah..
kerana ALLAH sayang hambanya yang sentiasa membatu orang di dalam kesusahan..

Sucikan niat, lapangkan dada untuk bersedekah..

kerana itu..
saham akhirat kita..

Thoughts on mixing wood tones

 Wood tones are often problematic when you  choose  a colour scheme or new furnishings.  Some  people  are willing to solve the problem by spending hours looking for furniture with the same wood tones. After all that work you may  end up with a boring room where everything looks the same and blends into each other.

An easier and more exciting approach is to mix wood tones in your decor to provide a more layered, interesting room. You can mix tones with confidence it you stick to a few basic guidelines.

Use your floor as the constant

 When choosing furniture you have to consider your floors if they are wood.  They are the constant against which all other wood tones will be compared.  If your floor has more that one colour you can safely choose any of those colours for other wooden furniture or  accessories.

Limit the number of tones 

Bernal Heights Residence contemporary kitchen wood tones

Generally, it’s best to limit the number of wood tones  to  two or three per room. In the room above only two wood tones are used. Hints of the darker tone can be found in the floor and this creates a very harmonious look. There is also good contrast between the floor and darker cabinets.That's important.

Choose one tone as the "star"

 mixing light and dark wood tones

If you have various wood tones or are buying new furniture, choose one of the wood tones as the dominant one.  Aim for uneven proportions. The room above is a very interesting balance of lights and darks.  When the rug and chairs are included in the mix  it's the cabinet that stands out the most. The  dark floor is acting as a backdrop.

Separate problem tones with a rug 

separating wood tones with area rug

 Sometimes you end up with all the same wood tones in a room and the only way to bring some variety is to separate the wood tones with an area rug so everything doesn't blend together. This also works when you have two different tones that don't work that well together. Separation breaks the comparison. 

Balance wood tones throughout a space

balance wood tones

 A close viewing of this room shows  light,  medium and dark wood tones which have been connected by spreading them around the room.  The dark table connects with the upholstery piece at the foot of the bed.  The armoire, legs and  mirror are mid to darkish and the floor is light providing good flow and contrast.

William Hefner Architecture Interiors & Landscape  balancing wood tones

If you choose dark tones for bookshelves banking a fireplace you need to have other dark tones around the room, preferably on the opposite side to move your eye through the room.

 Keep contrast controlled

Deep, dark, rich wood tones such as mahogany, cherry, and walnut will often go better with medium-toned woods than lighter ones. And likewise, lighter toned woods, such as pine and oak, will also go better with medium wood tones, rather than with dark. In other words, it is okay to use varying wood tones, but aim for a lower level of contrast. The room above has medium and dark wood tones.

Keep furniture the same tone

furniture choice wood tones

All the wood tones in this furniture are medium but they do not match perfectly.   When you keep  your major furniture pieces in the same wood tone, you can  bring in other  tones through accessories.  Wood frames, candlesticks, trays, sculpture,  or vases  are  obvious choices.

Consider the colour temperature of woods

colour temperature of wood Desinging Home Margaret Ryall
  Photography: Brian Ricks

Every wood has a colour temperature that needs to be considered. Natural ash, birch and maple tend to be cooler while other woods like oak and pine tend to be very warm with undertones of orange or yellow as they age.

Some stained woods  can show warm and cool tones at the same time.  This is ideal because then you can mix and match the wood tones in the space. When I'm choosing flooring for a client I look for finishes that will allow me to mix both warm and cool tones.In the room above the floor actually has more warms than the shot displays.

Use paint /upholstery to mimic a particular wood tone

Lorraine Vale traditional dining room paint tones matching wood

If you have one piece of furniutre that  is a different wood tone, you can use paint, window treatments or upholstery to mimic the wood tone and spread the colour around the room. The blinds and cabinet  work together. 

Most of us have wood tones somewhere in our homes and any renovations usually bring this issue to the forefront.  I would love to hear how you have dealt with the making wood tones work in your space.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Apa kerja blogger sebenarnya?

Aku duk buat blog ni untuk menyampaikan berita terkini yg aku suka jer. Atau ada pengalaman2 aku pi berubat isteri aku, kot2 la ada yg sakit nak berubat jugak. Benda2 yg aku jumpa, guna hari2 yg baik utk dikongsikan. Menyampaikan minat, hobi aku.....

Tapi perlu kah aku menyebarkan berita2 yg mengaibkan org, menuduh org tanpa bukti, usul periksa, yg aku sendiri pun x tahu betul atau tidak. Perlukah aku memuatkan gambar2 bogel artis kat dalam blog aku nih. Memuatkan gambar pemain bola berpelukan ngan pompuan, minum arak. Aku rasa x perlu kot. X kira la politak ke x? Sebabnya dah berlambak blog2 lain yg buat benda2 tu. Kalau cari kat blog ni pakai x jumpa. Pi blog lain ada la.

Kadang2 tektik blogger jer yg pi bubuh tajuk lucah, sebab yg tu yg org duk cari. Sat ja berduyun2 pi blog tu. Terpulang kat depa la no. Nak jadi penyiasat lak, selongkar sana, bongkar sini. Walaupun cerita itu betul, benar pun. Kalau betul pi repot la......guna la saluran undang2......X yah la nak sebar2kan perkara2 x elok ni.

Nabi kata sampaikanlah dari ku walau satu ayat. Ramai gak blogger yg menyahut seruan nabi ni. Alhamdulillah, aku pun boleh gak berkongsi ilmu depa, sambil tambah ilmu pastu sebarkan. Dapat gak pahala kan....


Kenapa bila hujan jer mesti ada eksiden?

1. Sebab semua org takut ujan, nanti basah padahal ujan tu air gak cuma jatuh dari langit bukannya dari shower.....
2. Bila ujan x nampak jalan, air penuh atas cermin......
3. Kereta banyak, semua org pakat naik kereta bila ujan kecuali aku yg xdak keta....
4. Mat motor bawa laju2 nak cepat sebab sejuk basah kena ujan......
5. Brek x lekat sebab jalan licin penuh air, brake disk pun x makan, jem...
6. SUka ikut rapat sgt, dah brek x makan, keta depan brek skit, kita pun cium bontot.......bukan masa ujan sj
7. X pasang lampu. Org x nampak kita x nampak org.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tahniah Datuk Malek Noor

bukan ngan ella. Lepas ni ella lak
 Wira Bina Badan Negara Mr. Malaysia 6 x, Mr. Southeast Asia 3 x, Mr. Asia 6 x, Mr. Universe 2 x Heavy Weight. Selamat diijabkabulkan di Kelantan pagi tadi. Tahniah, semoga berbahagia dan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.
Pilihan Datuk

Pilihan Datuk adalah Dr pakar kanak2, anak 7, dari Kelantan. Datuk Malek ada sorang anak angkat.

Nokia miracle

I live on the sixth floor. Today, the electrician came to fix the air cond at home. He puts his Nokia handphone in his shirt pocket. His Nokia phone cost rm80 only.

Since he is fixing the aircond, he will occasionnally stick his head out the window as the compressor is there.

Twice he stuck his head out! So, TWICE his handphone slipped of his pocket and fell to the ground floor.

If you think about your phone that costs rm1k plus falling from sixth floor to ground floor, it might be broken into pieces. But, for this guy's rm80 Nokia handphone, he went down to retrieve it twice, and it was still intact and in working order. Amazing!!!

My mum was so fascinated by the phone and she kept on taking picture, sending it to my sister who works for Nokia in Vancouver... Lol.. And she asked the guy if he wants to try to drop his hp again for the third time..... Hah!

Good advert and promo for nokia, i must say....;)

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