Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bathroom renovation woes

Sometimes having too many ideas is just as bad as having too few.  I am definitely swimming in the idea pond when it  comes to my main bath renovation.  Right now  the space  is a product of the mid eighties with white square tiles, gray fixtures and a white European vanity and upper cabinets.

  Everything has to go and we are taking out the tub to put in a walk in shower. I can't stop dreaming up new ideas, so I'm using this post as my own sounding board. Hopefully it won't be all personal and you, my readers, might find my sorting process of some help in any home changes you  have planned.

The look I like:
  • overall design more contemporary than traditional
  • simple, clean lines, not cluttered (lots of storage options)
  • soothing, natural colours  which are not too cool -  warmish neutrals) 
  • lots of texture (always a must in my house)
  • weathered wood in gray driftwood tones  (a favouite since I was 20 and that's many years ago!) or light to medium wood tones - nothing dark and heavy.  I rarely follow trends in my own home decisions.
  • brushed metal finishes, raised basin but not too high
  • mixture of tile sizes depending on placement, no obvious/contrasting border
The inspiration shots:

contemporary bathroom ideas contemporary bathroom
 Dick Clark Architecture

This room is light, airy and has very clean lines.  There are options for storage,  but things could get cluttered because  everything would be exposed.  I  like the wood tone but the small glass mosaics may quickly become outdated. The square tiles are a little too predictable. So I'm left with the wood tone!

 South Shore Residence contemporary bathroom

LOVE the shape and colour of the vanity.  It has both open and closed storage so it fits the storage bill.  Hubby could  whip this up in several days!  I also like the grain in the larger floor tiles.  Looking good. 
Best Builders ltd modern bathroom
Best Builders ltd

Floor and vanity fit the bill in every way.  Colour tones are my favourite, the wood grain tiles are fantastic and  you could run the same tiles up the wall of the shower and alternate with a small scale tile on the floor of the shower. It's good to keep the same tones in all the tiles used when you are working with a small space.  

Master Bathroom contemporary bathroom

Tones in this vanity are a little warmer and I love the shape. All storage is hidden and  I'm attracted to the  textured wall and the full mirror with a ledge. 
Best Builders ltd modern bathroom
 Best Builders ltd

 Love the color tones in this hideaway storage (slightly purplish).  This idea could be fitted into the right and left side of the vanity to look like doors.

I first saw this picture in a magazine and I've kept it.  I love the vanity colour and shape. It's very mid century modernish in styling and I have other pieces similar in my house.  It is an easy style to replicate (I know I am lucky to have my own furniture maker on the premises.)

While at CHil Design Group contemporary bathroom
 I like the idea of using the textured stone as a backdrop for the vanity and mirror but it would work best if you have a defined space between two walls.  I don't. 

While this counter is  slightly too golden for my tastes, I like the layout , cabinets and the space for hanging a towel. One of the things you have to consider when you have side cabinets is how the light will reach the rest of the room if you don't have a ceiling light. . 

Master Bathroom contemporary bathroom
Then there's always white, but all the other vanities in the house are white so.... . maybe not.  I like the storage, the legs, and the wood grained tiles.

I'm getting there...  Stay tuned for more updates on this 2012 reno.

Wang Kertas Malaysia Siri Pertama ( 1967 - 1972 )

 Size 165mmX95mm
Printer Thomas De La Rue.
First Prefix A/1 - Last Prefix A/3

 Size 145mmX88mm
Printer Thomas De La Rue.
First Prefix A/1 - Last Prefix A/25
Z/1 Replacement note

 Size 133mmX80mm
Printer Thomas De La Rue
First Prefix A/1 - Last Prefix B/90
Z/1 Replacement note

 Size 127mmX71mm
Printer Bradbury Wilkinson & Co.
First Prefix A/1 - Last Prefix A/45

Size 121mmX63mm
Printer Bradbury Wilkinson & Co.
First Prefix A/1 - Last Prefix D/3.
Z/1 Replacement note


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simpul Biawak@Tarik Mengkarung

Assalamu'alaikum sahabat alam maya sekelian... pernah tak anda mendapat simpul biawak atau ada yang panggil 'Tarik Mengkarung"? Apa tu "Simpul Biawak" ? Dalam Bahasa Inggeris ianya dipanggil "Varicose Vein".  Adakah biawak itu disimpul-simpul? hehehe... entah lah ya...kenapa ia dipanggil simpul biawak? Apa kena-mengena binatang Biawak dengan kejadian ini? .. Ia bukanlah suatu penyakit, tetapi apabila berlaku  sangat sakit sekali ...

 Dinihari tadi sewaktu hendak bangun tidur saya diserang simpul biawak... sakitnya bukan main lagi..... selalunya ada cik abang tolong tolakkan ibu jari kaki ke arah kita... tapi malam tadi cik abang pergi out station, terkial-kial lah saya seorang diri menahan sakit dan pada masa yang sama menegakkan ibu jari ke atas dan berpusing ke dinding agar saya dapat meletakkan tapak kaki saya ke dinding dan menekannya ke arah kita...

Alhamdulillah, selalu nya cara ini berjaya mengurangkan sakit dan menguraikan "simpul" yang berlaku dalam waktu yang singkat...

Simpul Biawak ini biasanya sering berlaku kepada ibu-ibu yang mengandung...mengikut rujukan, terdapat 20% wanita yang mengalami Vericose Vein dan 50% daripadanya disebabkan keturunan dan mengandung. 

Tetapi sudah 8 kali saya mengandung, tapi jarang kena sewaktu mengandung pulak ...

Ketika mengandung, pertambahan hormon progestron menjadikan vena berkeadaan lega (injap terbuka) mengundang masalah vena varikos selain pembesaran uterus secara semula jadi menekan vena. Pengambilan pil cegah hamil (mengandungi testosteron) memburukkan lagi masalah urat simpul.

Lelaki tidak terkecuali mengalami masalah urat simpul iaitu 10% yang mengalaminya disebabkan keturunan.

Mereka yang berdiri terlalu lama (pekerjaan yang memerlukan berbuat demikian seperti jururawat, pelayan restoran, guru dan sebagainya) serta mereka yang mengalami obesiti juga terdedah menderita urat simpul akibat kaki terpaksa menampung berat badan yang berlebihan. 

Hurmm..patutlah sekarang beberapa kali juga mengalami nya walaupun saya TIDAK mengandung,,, (hehe) tapi disebakan pekerjaan saya yang menuntut diri ini berdiri lama berjam-jam ... jalan turun naik tangga dari satu bangunan ke bangunan yang lain ..mungkin menyumbang ke arah sakit ini...


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #12



tadi masa solat teringat kat tok dgan chaq.. rasa rindu sangat-sangat.. saya takut kalau suatu hari nanti saya lupa rupa tok ngan chaq.. memang la ada gambar, tapi saya nak wajah 2 insan ni bersemadi dalam hati..

tok meninggal awal.. masa tu saya belajar lagi.. tak sempat nak berbakti kat tok.. tok meninggal tiba-tiba.. tak sakit.. masa tok meninggal ramai jiran - jiran tok cakap 'senangnya dia meninggal, harap-harap nanti kita pun mudah macam ni' sesungguhnya saya langsung tak faham.. tapi bila dah dewasa ni,baru faham.. saya pun nak meninggal semudah tok pergi.. amin..

chaq pula meninggal masa saya dah kerja.. chaq sakit dan saya sempat juga jaga chaq.. tapi chaq sakit sekejap je.. lepas tu chaq ikut jejak tok.. chaq insan yang tabah..

tok dengan chaq selalu pi masjid sama-sama.. dah menjadi rutin bertahun-tahun tok dengan chaq menjadi jemaah masjid.. indah kan pengalan tu.. semoga suatu hari nanti saya dan suami dapat mengikuti jejak langkah tok dengan chaq.. menjadi ahli masjid sehingga menutup mata..

tok... chaq... chek rindu.. rindu sangat-sangat..

tempat tok dengan chaq solat kat kebun..

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bento sets @ Octopus Sushi & Thai, Festival City

There is a new mall in town. Its located at Jalan Genting Klang, Setapak. It is called Festival City. Eversince it opened, i looked forward to going to this mall everytime because:
1) parking is cheaper than KLCC, Pavillion, Sungei Wang...
2) it is nearer to my house compared to KLCC, Pavillion, Times Square
3) things are much more affordable in festival city ie: a decent place for the middle class people ie: no gucci, prada, etc here
4) no worries about TRAFFIC JAM
5) finally, theres plenty to do here. Theres MBO cinemas opening soon, and really good choices of restaurants to dine.....

I just had a bento set in Octopus. This restaurant beats sushi teh, sushi zanmai and sakae sushi BIG TIME! I have been patronising Octopus since it started in Ampang Point. They have been recently opening branches elsewhere. As with many of the restaurants that became franchises, food quality deteriorates... Fortunately, Octopus still maintains its quality and service.

The first bento i had was tempura and soft shell crab bento box. The bento box comes with salad, tempura, soft shell crab roll, soba and chawanmushi. The chawanmushi was good. It had prawn, mushroom, crabstick n meat inside.
On my next visit, I had the bento with dragon roll, and the third time with unagi roll.... I am enjoying every meal there.. Comes with a free drink too!

Tak boleh sorok perut muncit...

A'salam teman-teman yang amat deena rindui... rasanya tak terlewat lagi nak ucap selamat tahun baru kan, harap tahun ni kita semua dapat capai azam baru dan di murahkan rezeki oleh Nya. Maaf ler coz berkurun gak deena tak hapdate blog nih, dengan keadaan deena skang di tambah plak di uji bermacam dugaan, alhamdulillah kami tak pernah mengalah biar berat macam mana sekalipun deena yakin kebenaran akan terbukti juga satu hari nanti. Dan pada yang sedang berjimba konon meraikan kemenangan dengan fitnah korang tuh, ingat lah Allah tu maha adil cepat atau lambat mendapat gak nanti tempias nya.

Banyak hikmah nyer bila kita di timpa dugaan , dari situlah kita baru kenal saper kawan, dan saper saudara  ! blom tentu darah daging sepusat sepusing ker dorang akan faham ape lagi nak tolong. Okay kita tutup ini celita haa.. Cer apa kena mengena plak tajuk atas tuh ? ingat nak sorok dan suprise, tak menjadi ler gamaknya . Pada kengkawan trima kasih atas ucapan dan doa kalian semua dan apa yang lebih buat deena terharu dan bersyukur deena bakal dapat baby kembar, cuma atas nasihat doktor deena tak boleh bergerak aktif sangat coz ada masalah uri, kaki bengkak dan kadang nak berjalan pun kena hati-hati . Harapan dan doa deena agar semua selamat dan baby sihat..

p/s: pada yang ada pengalaman mengandung dan melahirkan si kembar, share kat sini k.. 

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