Friday, January 6, 2012

Is your home matchy matchy?

What is matchy, matchy?

The term " matchy matchy" in decorating refers to rooms that are too coordinated because of the use of the same types of colours, patterns, fabrics, thematic elements etc.   It  has negative connotations and evokes overtones of boredom.

 I describe the desire to have everything matching perfectly  in a room "over matching". Rooms put together in a catalogue or in a model home are good examples of this look. Everything matches and the room looks soulless.

Over matched decor
JC Penny Catalog

Matched with interest
source unknown

This room is a step up from the one above it  because of the pattern in the rug, variety in the pillows and interesting art work.  The wood tones are still very matched and the coffee and end table are a set, but both have added accessories which make them a little more interesting. 

Buying sets of furniture; matching bedding and draperies; replicating the same colours and patterns in accents; keeping all wood tones the same; choosing art to match the decor; and so on, are actions that lead to an  over- matched look.

Old Greenwich Beach Cottage contemporary bedroom
Harmonized decor with patterns, textures

What is a harmonized room?

An advantage of overly matched decor is the sense of calmness that you  get from it.  Nothing is disparate; you feel at peace.  The room above is very inviting  as a bedroom.  While the colour scheme is very matched, consideration has been given to a mix of furniture  that works very well together, and there is variety in the textures and shapes used. I would describe  this room as "harmonized".

On the  continuum  of well designed rooms it is moving toward the middle. in my opinion what this room could use is more interesting accessories.  It comes across as rather bland and does not reflect  much personality.  Further along the design  continuum and much more individual in its appearance is  the curated room.

 What is a curated room?

 Curated rooms appear to be collected over time rather than created in one go. Words such as  arrange, blend, integrate, orchestrate, synthesize and unify come to mind. Such actions require thought rather than rote matching.  Each element chosen adds to the whole in an interesting way. You strive for variations in textures, materials and furniture with lots of layering to draw you in.  Then you pull it all together with a defined colour palette.

A room collected over time to look curated rather than matched
via House of Turquoise

The Olivers House eclectic living room
Curated room with lots of variety in art, textures, shapes

Curated room with quiet overtones

Michael Deperno Interiors

  Curated homes are the ultimate reflection of a homeowner's taste and experiences represented by various "treasures" collected and displayed in interesting ways.  Of course, there are degrees within this look and the more mismatched the decor becomes you  move toward "wildly eclectic".

My personal taste is a lightly curated room that is interesting, but still harmonized for a more peaceful look. While I love art, objects and hand built furniture, I don't like a room too cluttered with things.  What kind of look do you like?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

saya memahami..


Alhamdulilah, rezeki saya tak pernah terputus. Syukur pada DIA yang satu.

Sebenarnya saya simpati sangat kat kawan - kawan yang kontrak tidak disambungkan. Kesian sangat - sangat! Dah la mereka tu sangat - sangat rajin bekerja. Kalau tak de sehari pun dah susah, ni tambah - tambah la bila kontrak dah abis. Hope sangat kontrak  akan disambungkan dalam masa terdekat. insyallah rezeki kita kan ALLAH dah tentukan.

Sama - sama kita berdoa ye..


Assalammualaikum Tuan - Tuan Dan Puan - Puan :)

Hari ini saya sangat - sangat gembira bila dapat keputusan peperiksaan



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Masjid Berdindingkan Dua Kalimah Syahadat

Sejak dirasmikan 2010 lalu, bangunan ini sudah mencuri perhatian tidak hanya warga sekitar tetapi juga di dunia maya. Masjid yang terletak di Padalarang ini masuk 5 besar "Building Of The Year 2010" oleh National Frame Building Association. Acara akbar yang melibatkan para arkitek di seluruh dunia ini menempatkan Masjid Al Irsyad dalam kategori religious architecture. Menurut ArchDaily, laman penerbitan arsitektur terpopuler, Masjid Al Irsyad cukup popular di antara tempat ibadah yang lain dan hanya dikalahkan oleh Gereja Tampa Covenant, Florida, Amerika Syarikat.

Jika umumnya masjid mempunyai kubah atau menara, tidak dengan Masjid Al Irsyad. Masjid yang direka oleh Ridwan Kamil, arkitek kenamaan Indonesia ini direka mirip Kaabah, berbentuk kubus dengan warna abu-abu. Desainnya sederhana, tidak banyak ornamen dan tetap mempunyai keindahan tersendiri.

Berwarna masjid diperbuat dari batu bata yang disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk celah yang terbaca sebagai dua kalimah syahadah.

Selain mempunyai fungsi artistik, lubang-lubang ini juga berfungsi sebagai ventilasi udara. Menjelang malam ketika lampu di dalam masjid mulai dinyalakan, sinar lampu akan menerobos celah ventilasi sehingga jika dilihat dari luar kelihatan seperti masjid yang memancarkan cahaya berbentuk kalimah syahadah. Sangat mengagumkan.

Keindahan tidak hanya tampak dari luar masjid. Di dalam masjid terdapat 99 lampu bulat berukir asmaul husna yang jika dinyalakan, cahayanya akan membentuk siluet nama-nama suci Allah SWT. Terasa sekali kemegahannya.

Masjid Al Irsyad juga seolah ingin mendekatkan kita pada alam. Lantai tepi mimbar dimanfaatkan untuk kolam di tingkat. Suara gemericik air kolam memberikan suasana teduh yang dapat menambah ketenangan ketika beribadah.

Berwarna di belakang mimbar juga dibiarkan terbuka sehingga jama'ah boleh menikmati pemandangan Padalarang yang menyegarkan.

Ditubuhkan di atas lahan seluas 1.100 meter persegi, masjid berkapasiti 1,500 jemaah ini selain menjadi tempat ibadah juga menjadi destinasi pelancongan tak hanya bagi para sekitar Bandung dan Jakarta tetapi Sejak dirasmikan 2010 lalu, bangunan ini sudah mencuri perhatian tidak hanya warga sekitar tetapi juga di dunia maya.


Fish sperm

I had fish sperms for dinner at a japanese restaurant in kl. Its not something everyone gets to eat lol

One bite of the chunk of sperms causes milky juice to squirt out and it has this gooey, slimey texture on the inside but a bit rubbery on the outside...

I know sup turpedo made of bull's penis are good for men, but i have no idea about fish sperms.

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