Friday, October 21, 2011

At Home: An ocean getaway

As a child I often imagined how a house would look on the inside as I drove or walked about the town where I lived.  I'm assuming I'm no different from most people.  My Open Doors  series of posts will fill the need to peek inside everyday homes- not the grand designs of decor magazines, but interesting homes that are achievable for most people.  Come along on a visit to my friends' ocean beach house. 

 The patio overlooking the Atlantic Ocean has lots of beach finds.   There's a wind up today. 

 From the kitchen looking out through the screened window.  Even I would like to wash dishes here. The exterior of the house is red with a soft creamy white trim.

Pat and Janna travel all the way from British Columbia to Newfoundland every summer to enjoy life on an opposite ocean. I met Pat  when she and a friend  came to visit my studio/gallery in my summer house.   Ever since we've been looking forward to our summer time visits. When they left this year I received a key to the premises so I could photograph.  

 After one visit to the Bonavista Peninsula , Pat and Janna fell in  love with the place and purchased a typical Newfoundland outport house and began to remodel it.  Remodel doesn't seem the right word though. They worked backward until they reached the original boards, removing layers of wallpaper and wallboard.  I was lucky enough to photograph some of this process for my wallpaper archive which is part of an art project I'm working on.  Here's what it looked like then....

 And look what was hiding under the layers of wallpaper, a newspaper article about The Kennedy family.  After much patience and elbow grease they were ready to simplify the decor.

 They painted the whole interior  white and added their personal touches. That's what makes a home in my book.  I appreciate the way they have arranged/displayed their finds.

 The accent colour throughout the house is red.  What a fitting use for these cod jiggers!

Sea urchins in a bottle, beach glass, a boat and sea birds on an old trunk flanked by windows and oars.  

 More splashes of red against white and navy blue.  The sofa is red,  but it was covered for its winter rest.

 Some  of my favourite things in the house... the checkerboard that has two colours of beach stones for checkers, and a book about sea glass which prompted me to get my own copy.  It just arrived and I'm reading every word getting ready for next summer's hunt.

 Most of the furnishings are from IKEA which is a feat when you live in Newfoundland- they have to be shipped or driven.   I covet the aqua coloured lantern on the bookcase. Would they notice if it wasn't there next summer?

 I love seeing the remnant of an old window (I'm guessing) above the left chair. Shutters are a very practical window treatment because these windows are visible from the street and there could be nosy people just like me hovering outside.


  I call this the gallery of "Walked On" .  Pat salvaged scraps of the various floor coverings from the house and framed them in simple IKEA frames.   The stark simplicity of the frames show off the contents.  Keeping the stairway all white further enhances the overall look of this very effective display.

Upstairs hallway leading to....

..... a great desk area .  Now where did they find that old map of Newfoundland that was on the school room wall in my day?

There are more rooms for another time, but I ran out of battery power before I could finish my job.  Do you have any favourites?

Thanks to Janna and Pat for leaving me with the key and welcoming my intrusion.

Coin Straits Settlement

Coin Straits Settlement $1 (Satu Ringgit) King Edward VII keluaran tahun 1907.

3. Taman Negeri Royal Belum

Sg Tiang....
jangan kome ghiso (risau) .... penginapan disini dalam bentuk Hut....
3 oghang (orang) bulih muat ni.....

Ini dekat Sg Nam.....
penginapan yang cantek kat dalam hutan....
walopon dalam gambo ni nampak suram je....
tapi kalo kome tengok live......canteknye...

Pengangkutan utame di Taman Negeri Royal Belum....

Ini ayo teghojon (terjun) di Sg Ruok....
sebelom sampei ke Santuari Ikan tu...
kome bulih mandi kat sini....

Ini perkampungan oghang (orang) asal dekat Sungai Kejar...
deme dah biase dengan oghang (orang)....
tapi awas.....jangan sampei deme mule kate deme tak cukop makan.....
ade le akei (akal) deme nanti .....

Ini signboard ndak masok ke Sg Ruok.....
Kalo kome beghani (berani) bulih je nak mancing kat sini...
tapi kalo kene tangkap...
makan tak habeh le.....
mane idaknye.... dok dalam lokap....

Ektibiti yang best buat kat sini....
merakit le.....

In dekat Sg Ruok.....
Sg Ruok ni tempat Santuari Ikan,

Kalo kome udah sampei (sampai) ke Taman Negeri Royal Belum....
tak sah kalo kome tak sampei ke Sungai Kejar....
Sg Kejar ni meghupekan (merupakan) tempat paling hujong sekali di Taman Negeri Royal Belum....
disini jugak dikatekan tempat permulaan kepade Sg Perak.....

Semue gambo2 kat ateh (atas) ni mase awok ke sane tahun lepaih (lepas).....

Haa..... kome udah layan gambo kat ateh (atas) kan???
saje je awok letak berseleghak (berselerak) gambo2 kat ateh (atas) ni....
kali ni bace sikit je entri awok pasei (pasal) Taman Negeri Royal Belum.....
Ghasenye (rasanya) ghamei (ramai) yang tau pasei Hutan Belum ni.....
tapi awok ndak ceghite (cerita) jugak....
Terletak didaeghah (daerah) Hulu Perak ato lebih tepat lagi didalam kawasan Pengkalan Hulu....
Taman Negeri Royal Belum bersempadan dengan negara Thailand....

Hutan Belum dibeghi (diberi) taraf DIRAJA oleh Tuanku Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah pade tahun 2003....
dan pade tarikh 17 April 2007, Kerajaan Negeri Perak melalui Enakmen Perbadanan Taman Negeri 2001 telah mewartakan Hutan Belum sebagei (sebagai) Taman Negeri Perak.....
Dan selueh (seluas) 117, 500 hektar kawasan Hutan Belum diisyhtiharkan sebagei (sebagai) Taman Negeri......

Menariknye lagi Taman Negeri Royal Belum mempunyai tiga daghipade 20 spesies
bunga terbesar dunia iaitu Bunga Rafflesia........
di mana salah satu nye dinamakan Azlanii sempena nama Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah......
Taman Negeri Royal Belum juge dikatekan hutan yang lebih tue daripada hutan Amazon, dan beghumo (berumur) 130 juta tahun.
Walopon Sarawak terkenei (terkanal) dengan Burung Enggangnye.....tetapi deme cume ade 9 spisis saje.....
sedangkan Taman Negeri Royal Belum ade semue 10 spesies burung enggang di Malaysia....
Kalo ceghite (cerita) bab binatang atopon haiwan........
kat sini bulih dikatekan ade semue binatang hutan hujan tropika........

Akhir sekali......
Udah name Taman Negeri Royal Belum...
bukan senang kome dapat masok ke sini.....
Pelancong tempatan yang ndak datang kesini, permit kemasukan mesti dipohon dari Perbadanan Taman Negeri sekurang-kurangnya seminggu sebelum lawatan
Pelancong asing pulak permit ke Taman Negeri Royal Belum ini perlu dipohon sekurang-kurangnya dua minggu sebelum lawatan....
dan bile kome udah ade kat sane.....
jangan terkejot kalo tibe2 Askar tahan bot kome.....
untok buat pemegheksaan (pemeriksaan).....

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi
Perbadanan Taman Negeri : +605-7917858

Thursday, October 20, 2011

USA gelak..... Israel seronok!

Al - Fatihah untok Allahyarham Muammar Gaddafi....
walopon saat2 akhir ni die dikenang sebagei diktator.....
tetapi sebagei seoghang (seorang) Islam die layak dilakukan sebageimane seoghang (seorang) Islam dilayan....

Dulu die penah disanjong sebagei (sebagei) seoghang (seorang) yang tidak takot pade Barat....
die juge dianggap hero dunie Islam....
tapi itu dulu....
bile udah lame berkuase.......

lain pulak jadi nye......
Amerika dengan Israel paling bengang dengan die....
sekaghang (sekarang).....
USA kuat gelaknye........
Israel pulak seghonok (seronok) berpesta menyambot kematian die....


Spesis Terancam ( Rusa Sambar )

Thursday Tip #5- Use geometry

rosettes  living room

Most  furniture  is predominantly rectangular.  When you're adding accents it's good to include circular shapes to play against the strong horizontal  and vertical lines. The basket, table, wooden goblet and  medallions work wonderfully with this sofa (which is not as squared off as most).  There's also lots of texture in this room. If you can't count at least five different textures in a space it is probably not that exciting!  You rarely see beige paired with yellow, but doesn't it look fabulous? In case you didn't notice.... spray paint medallions meant for ceiling applications and use them as wall decor.

Spesis Terancam ( Seladang )

Gambar Belangkas