Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dendang perantau cikgu shida... :)

Yang sebenor nyer deena dah tak larat satu hari ni, baru abis membako kuih ngan buat cekelat... terjumpa plak youtube cikgu shida kat fb tadi haa... klakar tul cikgu nih....   cer layan mesti sengal kejap tengok gelagat dia heee.....

p/s: yeaaaa.. esok balik kampuang....!

Thoughts on coffee tables

Coffee or cocktail tables are always a challenge when designing a room. It's easy to go out and buy a matching set of coffee and end tables, but you will have a set of three things the same colour and design.  Three is good in design but all the same is not! Mixing it up allows you to add variety in texture, scale and colour.  The eye seek interest. Here's a little variety in coffee table options. 

Glass or lucite

New England Contemporary Living Room contemporary living room
Sleek Living Room modern living room

Sometimes you do not want a coffee table to dominate a room.  Perhaps you have a small space between furniture pieces or you want to control the amount of weighted colour. Maybe you are not fond of wood tones or you have a colourful rug you want to show off.  In all of these cases a lucite or glass coffee table fits the bill.  


family room modern family room
Dufner Heighes Inc

Organic shapes or the real thing can make an interesting conversation piece and serve as a coffee table. Large pieces of driftwood and a piece of tempered glass make a great do it yourself table. 

Media Room contemporary media room
James Cleary Architecture

showhouse contemporary living room 
Dillard Design Group, LLC

Ominous artwork but great coffee table. The combination of organic wood and hard edged metal really works.  The lucite end tables are insignificant when paired with it.  Rethinking might be in order.


family room contemporary family room
 twenty7 design

 Beach House eclectic living room

Think trunks when you want interest and function. You can find great thrift store finds or buy new.  


Family Room eclectic family room
Busybee Design

 Casual  and functional

Mascheroni Construction contemporary family room
Mascheroni Construction

More sophisticated  


Sometimes you need a long,  narrow coffee table but they are very difficult to find .  Think outside the box and look for benches.

Nesting Tables

Venice 4 Living Room  living room

There's so many options one post isn't sufficient to explore them.  Stay tuned for more on this topic.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Email daghi (dari) Laura Hamid

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Laura Hamid <laurahamid372@msn.com> wrote:


Hi,I just came back from oversea trip to Scotland.I am Miss.Laura Hamid,I work with Avocet Mining PLC in UK as assistant senior supervisor.We may not know ourselves for now but it is my heart desire to take vacation leave from our company to visit Malaysia for the first time . My father originally came from Malaysia unfortunately I lost my father early without knowing my relatives.

I want to come and meet new friends, have fun and possibly discuss some business matters.It is no longer a news that Asia is developing so fast and catching up with developed countries with a lot of tourist attraction centers,it gives me so much joy because I want to witness it and be part of it.

I do not mean to inconvenience you neither do I want my presence to affect your work or business hours,instead I can adjust my time so that we can only meet in the evenings and weekends.I will appreciate it if you can spare your little time to welcome and accompany me,never mind I will take care of the expenses.If you say OK please let me know the nearest airport that will be easier for you to come and fetch me on arrival.



Saje je awok nak tengok ape tindakan die...

jadinye awok baleh balik email die......

From: Awok le tu....

To: lauraahamid@yahoo.com

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 2:55 PM

Subject: Re: I hope to meet you when I visit M'sia

why should i trust you?

Die baleh (balas) balik.....

baghu (baru) kejap tadi awok dapat....

cehhh..die sekolahkan awok pulak tu....

email die kat bawah ni....

"If you do not trust yourself then you cannot trust me or anybody. It is natural"

Hampeh betoi....

ade je caghe (cara) deme ndak menipu oghang (orang) ye....

udah le email oghang (orang) suke2 hati je...

lepaih (lepas) tu die sekolahkan awok pulak......

kome berjage2 le dengan email2 macam ni...

deme ni sentiase je caghi (cari) jalan ndak menipu oghang (orang)....

dan yang awok heghankan (hairankan) ade jugak oghang (orang) yang kene tipu ye???!!!

yang kene tipu tu pulak...oghang (orang) ceghodik pandei (cerdik pandai) pulak tu...

Hebat Malaysia!

Awok jaghang2 (jarang2) ndak berceghite (bercerita) pasei bola kat blog awok ni....

walopon awok ni minat bola.......

tapi sesekali berceghite (bercerita) pasei bola ni best jugak kan???...

Kesah 1...

Queens Park Rangers jadi milik Tan Sri Tony Fernandes.....

melalui pemilikan 66% saham QPR.....

beghape (berapa) nilei nye idak pulak diheboh2kan...

tapi kalo mengikot pade si pemilik sebelom ni...

si Bernie Ecclestone....

die tawarkan saham die dengan rege (harga) 100juta pound sterling.....

gileee betoii...

tapi ye le duit deme kan???

bagoihnye pade bolasepak Malaysia bile kite ade 2 kelab di UK yang dipunyai oghang (orang) Malaysia...

satu lagi Cardiff City FC kepunyaan Datuk Chan Tien Ghee .....

dan sepatotnye pemain bolasepak Malaysia dibeghi (diberi) peluang berlatih dengan deme....

walopon tak dapat peluang beghaksi (beraksi) dengan deme...

dan langkah pertame...

Queens Park Rangers (QPR) bagi peluang pade Safee Sali & Khairul Fahmi...

untok berlatih dengan deme....

jadile...sekughang2 (sekurang2) nye deme berdue ni dapat le pendedahan berlatih dengan player2 yang lebih beso daghi (dari) deme berdue...

Kesah 2...

Tiga tonggak skuad Olimpik negara - Wan Zack Haikal Wan Nor, Irfan Fazail dan Fadhli Shas .....

mendapat perhatian sebuah kelab di Liga Corgon Slovakia, FC ViOn Zlate Moravce...

sebagei pemain pinjaman selame 3 bulan sampei le bulan November nanti......

walopon Liga Slovakia ni bukanle liga glemer kat Eropah...

tapi dengan Slovakia yang beghaksi (beraksi) pade Piala Dunia 2010 yang lepaih (lepas)......

dengan kelab deme beghaksi (beraksi) dalam UEFA Europa Cup (Name lame deme UEFA Cup)....

menambahkan lagi hebatnye kelab di Slovakia ni.....

FC Vion Zlate Moravce sekaghang (sekarang) ni di kedudukan ketiga liga Corgon...

ni liga utame Slovakia ni kome...

bukan calang2 oooo....

kalo kome tak pueh (puas) hati...

kome bulih je klik ke sini.... FC Vion Zlate Moravce

itupun kalo kome paham la ye!!!... heheheh

P/S: errr...kome layan ke bola???

Kesah Kad Ghaye (raya)

Haghi (hari) ni udah masok haghi (hari) ke 23 kite berpose....

dan selame itu jugak le awok tak dapat sekepin pun kad ghaye (raya)....

kalo dulu kughang2 (kurang2) dapat le jugak sekepin due...

kali ni takde langsong....huhuhuhh...

agaknye inile kesan daghi (dari) kemajuan kan???...

mase mule2 internet jadi kegilaan dulu....

semue oghang (orang) sebok anto e-kad....

macam2 jenih (jenis) kad.....

yang kite bulih simpan dalam inbox kite....

tapi tak bulih nak gantong kat ghumah (rumah).....

kendian,bile semue oghang (orang) udah mampu ade henpon....

semue setakat anto sms je....

lepaih (lepas) tu kite baleh (balas) je sms kawan kite tu...

yang advance sikit..

ade MMS...kite buat ucapan caghe (cara) live....anto kad kawan...

zaman belajo dulu......

siap bertanding dengan roomate, sape yang paling banyak sekali dapat kad ghaye (raya).....

yang paling banyak ni biase nye die le yang paling glemer.....

tak kighe (kira) le kengkawan bagi ke....

secret admire bagi ke....

tapi itu dulu le...

sekaghang (sekarang) ndak dapat sekepin pun udah payah...

tapi kalo e-card.....sms....

udah melambak dapat....

tapi peghasaan (perasaan) nye tak same dengan dapat kad ghaye (raya) yang sebeno...

P/S: agak2nye Pos Malaysia sebok tak menjelang ghaye (raya) 2 - 3 tahun kebelakangan ni???

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tue - Sedie ke Kite???

Bulan Ramadan kali ni, buatkan awok lebih sentimental.....

bile awok asik teghingat (teringat) kenangan mase dulu....

mase kecik....mase sekolah...mase belajo...

semuenye datang dalam pikighan (fikiran) awok .....

bile terkenang semue tu....

buatkan awok ghase (rasa) betape awok makin tue....

dan teghingat (teringat) yang semue oghang (orang) bakei (bakal)menjadi tue...

tak kighe le macam mane kome buat....

ndak elak daghi (dari) kulit kome jadi kedut.....

gigi kome makin gugo (gugur)......

pakei botox ke.....liposuction ke...pakei susuk ke....

tue tu kompem datang.....

ape....udah sedie ke kite ndak menghadapi haghi (hari) tue kite nanti???

kalo selame ni kite kuat daghi (dari) segi fizikal...

mampu buat semue koje...

tapi mase tue kite....semue koje kene mintak tulong oghang (orang)...

malahan ndak berjalan pun udah payah...

itu kite tak ceghite (cerita) lagi daye berpikir kite...

mase tu le nanti kite makin jadi pelupe...

oghang (orang) kate mase tue tu nanti ...

kite balik jadi budak2.... berpikir macam budak2.....

peghangei (perangai) pun macam budak2...

dan mase tue tu nanti le baghu (baru) kite sebok kumpoi amalan ndak ke alam kubor...

sedangkan mase mude kite...asik berseghonok (berseronok)....

agaknye mase tu nanti..udah banyak ke amalan kite kumpoi mase mude kite ye???


hmmmm.....same2 le kite ingat mengingat sesame kite ye!

Banana muffin choc chips

Tak tertahan tengok Kjee nyer banana muffin choc chips, merereh air liur haa.. nak plak sebelum ni en hubby manjang jer tanya bila nak buat kek pisang. Ape lagi peragat smua dah ada kat dapur cuma pisang jer petang tadi baru beli. muffin ni deena tak letak choc chips, deena gantikan dengan coklat rice jer..  rasa? di jamin sedap, lembut dan tak muak.. cer cuba resepi dari umah kjee nih yer..

1¼ cawan tepung gandum
¾ sudu kecik baking soda
¼ sudu kecik baking powder
secubit garam
2 biji telor size B
½ cawan minyak jagung
½ cawan gula perang
sedikit vanilla
1 cawan pisang lecek

Panaskan oven selama 20 minit.
Lecek pisang dan sukat.
Ayak tepung, soda dan baking powder serta garam.
Telor, minyak, gula dan vanilla disatukan dan dipukul hingga kembang. Kjee guna whisk.
Pastu masukkan pisang lecek, kacau hingga rata. pastu masukkan tepung yang Kjee dah campurkan dengan choc chips ke dalam batter. Kacau perlahan2 hingga sebati.
Kaup ke dalam muffin cups. Kjee guna yang keras.
Bakar selama 20 minit dengan suhu 180. 

p/s: dapat lah buat 12 biji cup kecik ...

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