Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nadira Aisyah

Nadira Aisyah ni xde pertalian darah dgn aku, tapi tersangat la sayang kat dia. Dulu masa dia kecil, ibu aku mengasuh dia, so dr umur dia 7 bulan dah start mengasuh, rumah pun dekat je.. so kami memang rapat.

Budak yang sangat petah bercakap, nanti besaq jadi peguam tau Aisyah!!

Satu - satunya budak yang boleh bagi arahan kat adik perempuan aku "KAKAK, AISYAH KATA AISYAH TAK MAU PAKAI BAJU NI! ANGKAT AISYAH, BIAQ AISYAH PILIH SENDIRI!" masa tu umur dia  3 @ 4thn je!!

 Aku     ;     Aisyah, pi tukaq baju. Cakap kat mama, ateh suruh pakai baju baru, ateh nak bawa aisyah pi jalan -  jalan. Pi cepat..
Aisyah     ;     eeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmm...(diam lama sambil mata tengok atas macam tengah berfikir)
aku     ;     Cepat la.....
Aisyah    ;       Ateh, nak pakai baju baru yang pink ke biru?

 Aku    ;     Aisyah, ateh nak bawa aisyah pi kat tempat baru. Starprade tu orang tak pi dah, kita pi tempat baru. Aisyah mesti tak pi lagi..(dengan penuh yakin aku cakap)
Aisyah     ;       EEEEeeeeeeemmmmm... dia besaq - besaq kan? Bentuk macam masjid? 
aku     ;      Aik, Aisyah tau?
Aisyah      ; Alaaaa....Aisyah dah pi dah, nama dia Giant kan? Bukan best pun!

Best ke jadi oghang (orang) pemes??? (famous)

Setiap pergerakan kome jadi perhatian.....

Tingkah laku kome oghang (orang) peghati (perhati).....

Hidop kome semue ndak ambik tau.....

Silap langkah, silap caghe (cara) kome dicerce....

Dengan sape kome keluo....

Sape pasangan kome.....

Mane kome pegi....

Oghang (orang) ambik peduli.....

tapi best ke???

kalo ceghite (cerita) berceghei-beghei (bercerai-berai) ....

ceghite (cerita) putuih (putus) tunang.....

ceghite (cerita) bergadoh dengan oghang (orang) tu.....oghang (orang) ni....

kesah yang tak elok pasei kite yang oghang (orang) sebok ndak tau....

yang elok2 pasei kite ade jugak deme ambik tau...

macam kesah kucing kite beghanak (beranak)...(heheh)...

kesah kite pening kepale.....

kesah kite pegi kuliah agame....

kome ghase (rasa) macam mane???? best ke???

Growing a room

 Function and budget are two words I use quite a bit in my design work. It makes  no sense to have a beautiful room if it doesn't work for the people who use it, nor does it make sense to develop a plan for a room that is not within a client's financial reach. That's where creativity and a good sense of what's possible in DIY comes in. It also helps to know where to get a good deal. I've had lots of practice with both as I've decorated my own homes. I never seem to completely redo a room; my rooms are usually in a subtle, constant transition. It's a state I've come to define as "growing a room". The guest room in my summer house is a perfect example of this.


 Going back in time to 2002 when we built our summer place, we constructed frames for two twin beds and  purchased a  bedside  table from a second hand store.  Functional but certainly not interesting.

 Time passed....  new headboards were made by the resident handyman and we found a way to connect the two frames to make a king size bed when we had company who wanted more than a twin.  That meant two separate lots of bedding to store, but it sure is practical! 

We recycled an old IKEA chair from our basement but it needs  recovering and the area over the bed is very bare. Needless to say the white pillow in the chair doesn't work. 

What happened to that dark brown bedside table? 

It had new life when painted Benjamin Moore Calming Cream. I love the richness of that colour.  It has a slightly yellow undertone but it has lots of body and works well with most colours.  The vignette on the bedside table is lacking. I didn't like the lamp, flowers and headboard being the same height. The vase below is a great find at a local store and elephant grass from an existing arrangement in my porch helped to add height.  This solution cost exactly $11.44.

The books were tidied and the hand carved bird on a piece of driftwood helps to bridge the two heights.

The IKEA chair was painted Calming Cream and recovered with a striped cotton and  a  pillow to match the one on the bed was made. 

And something appeared over the bed as if by magic. 

One of the best things about being an artist is that you can whip up an artwork to fill any empty spaces you have on your walls.  My favourite fun approach is collage with hand made textured papers and subtle applications of paint. 

This landscape strata references the many colours and textures that can be seen outside the bedroom window especially in fall. 

My favourite way to dress a bed is to turn back the sheets.  I took away the striped grayish pillows and now I need to make one more striped one to match the one above.  The rectangular pillow was made from the bottom of a ready made panel that has a beautiful cherry blossom design.  Of course  I bought it on sale.I managed to squeeze  two pillows out of one panel.  

And now for my next challenge.. the closet doors.  They are too choppy with the three colours ... what to do next? I think I will try painting the inside  rectangles Monroe Bisque the same as the walls. And if that doesn't please me the whole door will be Cloud White.  That light has got to go.  Something softer and more rounded.  Thrift shop or Homesense  here I come.... What about the handles on the bureau? And you can't see the very ugly light fixture that needs replacing. 
Stay tuned for more updates.

Doa buat Damia Farzmil..

Damia Binti Farzmil.... anak kepada teman fb deena iaitu kak fija (Mn Fija) yang mengidap rheumatic heart disease di mana kesemua injap jantung nya bocor, Doktor beri 2 pilihan samada di bedah tanpa apa-apa jaminan selepas itu, atau tidak dibedah jangka hayatnya cuma diberi 1 - 2 tahun sahaja.. Terlalu berat dugaan kak fija, ditambah lagi beliau juga mengidap kanser tahap 4. dan menurut doktor lagi jantung damia makin bengkak dan perlu tunggu keadaan damia stabil dulu untuk lakukan pembedahan...

kak fiza dan arwah hasnah haron..

Sedangkan deena sehingga sekarang masih trauma bila teringat kan keadaan arwah yasmin di wad icu 5 bulan lalu, hati seorang ibu tetap sebak dan ngalir air mata walaupun arwah hanya 2 minggu ketika tu, ini kan pula Damia Farzmil (15 tahun) yang seusia anak sulung deena . Deena dapat rasakan apa yang kak fija alami kini, dan kagum dengan ketabahan kak fiza yang tak pernah mengalah..! Betul kata akak, " Damia & akak mesti redha dengan apa yg berlaku, apapun terjadi itu adalah pilihan dari Allah swt utk Damia yg terbaik... " sesungguhnya Dia takkan memilih kita andai Dia tahu kita tak mampu untuk hadapinya...

p/s:  deena dan teman-teman akan sentiasa berdoa buat Damia Farzmil, semoga Allah memberi kekuatan dan ketenangan buat kak fija sekeluarga...

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