Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nyeeeeeeeeeee

Same macam tajok entri ni...
awok bijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dan awok cuti berblog dan berblogwalking siang ni....
malam kaghang (karang) awok tak jamin..........

Mana satu nak buat nih.. ?!

credit to pokcik google

Hehe.... akhir2 ni makin bz la pulak, nak buat coklat, beli barang-barang coklat, reply email ada yang tanya jamu dan order jamu la, suh buatkan blog.. aiiiiii...! macam2 lagi nak dibuat haa.. skang ni mood nak buat coklat jer tapi ada lagi bahan tak cukup kena import dari luar hehe....

Minggu lepas sibuk ngan anak-anak, sian si danish pas antar balik ari tuh asyik la nangis teringat ibu dia kat sini haa... sib baik kakak2 dia ada tolong pujuk, 2-3 hari lagi okay la tu.. mungkin sebab tak pernah berjauhan dan jarang jumpa ngan deena tu yg dia terasa sangat.

Nampak gaya kena susun mana satu kerja yg perlu deena buat dulu, kalau tak nanti serabut pala dan tak terkejar-kejar yer tak.. skang tengah tunggu kotak coklat dan bahan lain sampai baru boleh mula projek coklat deena... tungguuuu...  :-)

p/s: nak letak inti walnut, strawberry.. mango... bes nyerrr... !

5 Window Treatments for Patio Doors

"What can I do with my patio door?" Since I often hear this question  from clients I'm  concluding  that sliding patio doors provide many challenges in home decor. If you are the proud owner of a patio door let's explore your options in window treatments. 

Fully Closing Draperies

living room contemporary living room
 When the door is on an end wall fully closing draperies floor to ceiling and wall to wall looks stunning. This layered treatment has  panels and  sheers with both sets of draperies movable (you can tell from the layered rod treatment).  If you wanted to get a similar look on other than an end wall , place your drapery rods 18 - 24 inches beyond the window surface  extending the visual width but also allowing the panels to sit on the wall rather than over the window. Another way to decrease the cost is to have the side panels stationery and have the sheers movable.

Sliding Panels 

Sliding panels  are a good solution for patio doors in a more contemporary setting and are available in a variety of colours and textures to match your decor. The panels slide under each other when open and you are left with one panel width at the side.  The vertical panels can range from 11 to 24 inches; the more panels the less glass  is covered when  they are open. Sliding panels are available in a wide range of materials  providing  varying degrees of privacy and light control. 

Sheer verticals

If you want to combine the traditional look of sheer draperies and the functionality of vertical blinds choose sheer verticals. The under structure is a vertical blind but the  sheer fabric that covers the vertical vanes brings this treatment to a new level. By simply rotating  the vanes you can go from light filtering to complete privacy.

 Sliding Shoji Screens

This is an unusual solution for a patio door but it is  a functional one.  A shoji screen has a wooden gridded frame with translucent paper inserted between the grids. Check out Shoji Design Inc. for beautiful designs.

 Plantation Shutters 

Bi-fold plantation shutters are hinged together and fold against each other, similar to a closet door. You can choose between panels that are free hanging or ones used with a track to guide and support them. Bi-fold panels can be configured to open to one side or to both sides of the window. 


Monday, June 13, 2011

Perak penentu Juaghe (Juara) Liga Super Malaysia (MSL) 2011???

Liga Super Malaysia (MSL) 2011 tinggei (tinggal) 2 lagi je 'game' sebelom tighei (tirai) Piala Malaysia pulak dimulekan.....
dan sekaghang (sekarang) ni kejuaghaan (kejuaraan) Liga Super Malaysia (MSL) 2011 adalah diantaghe (diantara) 3 pasukan teghateh (teratas).....
Kelantan dengan 50 mate mendahului carta MSL 2011....
diikuti Selangor dengan 28 mate....
sementaghe  (sementara) Juaghe (Juara) Piala FA 2011 yang baghu (baru) Terengganu mengekori ghapat (rapat) di tempat ketiga dengan 47 mate....

Kelantan yang baghu (baru) je lepaih (kalah) kepade Terengganu baghu (baru) ni....
tak bulih cicio (cicir) kan baghang (barang) 1 mate pun.....
kalo kalah ato seghi (atau seri).....
babai le......kome tunggu je le Piala Malaysia, itupun kalo kome ndak meghase (merasa) ade piala le musim ni....kalo tak.....putih mate je le....belanje beso......hasei (hasil) nye ilekkkkk.....

Selangor pulak.....
kehilangan Saffee Sali buatkan baghisan (barisan) hadapan deme agak tumpoi (tumpul)....
tapi 2 game yang terkini, ditambah dengan kemenangan beso deme dengan Perlis 7 - 1....
deme konpiden bulih menang baki 2 game terakhir...
dan dengan syaghat (syarat) Kelantan pun 'hanyuuuuuttttt' 2 game terakhir deme....
game deme malam ni bertemu dengan Felda United....
kacang je Selangor ndak menang game ni nanti.....

Terengganu pulak.....
menang Piala FA 2011 ni buatkan deme lebih bersemangat ndak menang baki 2 game ni.....
lawan deme 2 game akhir ni...
'adik' deme T-Team dan Felda...
ghasenye (rasanya) takde masalah deme ndak menang baki 2 game akhir ni.....
dan Kelantan & Selangor kalah 2 game akhir......
makenye Terengganu le juaghe (juara) Liga Super Malaysia (MSL) 2011 ni nanti....

Perak pulak???
ironi nye Perak 2 game terakhir ni akan bertemu 2 calon juaghe (juara) MSL 2011....
dimulekan dengan Kelantan malam ni....
dan diakhiri oleh Selangor 6 Julai nanti di Ipoh....
mase pusingan pertame pade 14 April yang lepaih (lepas) di Ipoh, Kelantan kene 'lauk' dengan Perak 4 - 0....
kali ni lawan Kelantan di Kota Bharu takkan le deme nak kene 'lauk' lagi dengan Perak kan???
walopon tau pedih kalah dengan Terengganu tak habeh (habis) lagi......kekekekek....

Program Kilauan Emas

ade rancangan hibughan (hiburan) baghu (baru) kat tibi.....
Program yang mencungkei (mencungkil) bakat nyanyian untok yang beghumo (berumur) 45 tahon ke ateh (atas) jeeee....
bagoih (bagus) ni....
tak sabo ghase (rasa) ndak tengok oghang2 (orang2) veteran bergoyang2 menaghi (menari) kat ateh (atas) pentaih (pentas)........

kughang2nye (kurang2nya) dapat le pakcik makcik yang boring dok kat ghumah (rumah) ni mengasah bakat deme....
bulih le deme tunjok kat cucu cicit deme yang atok nenek  ni berbakat.....
mesti cucu2 deme bangge tengok atok dengan opah deme terkinje2 ateh (atas) pentaih (pentas) tu kan???

mesti le nanti deme dengan riak nye berceghite (bercerita) kat kawan2 deme.....
atok dengan opah deme pulak mase ni le deme nak menghegek (lebih kughang macam berhias jugak le)....
maklomle mase mude2 dulu deme konsentret caghi (cari) duit je....
mane le ade mase ndak tunjokkan bakat deme kan???...

musti le nanti bile rancangan ni udah mule....
berduyon2 oghang (orang) datang ke konsert tiap2 minggu nanti ni.....
tak habeh (habis) lagi semayang kat mesjid, dalam kepale udah terbayang ade kat konsert mingguan Kilauan Emas ni kan???....
nanti bile udah ade juaghe (juara) Kilauan Emas ni kan....

mesti ghamei (ramai) penerbit lagu tak sabo2 nak sain deme kan???..
maklomle kalo dibuat album juaghe (juara) Kilauan Emas ni...
mesti laku juta2 keping ni kan???....
lepaih (lepas) tu segale geghak geghi (gerak geri) juaghe (juara) Kilauan Emas ni mesti 'peminat' nak ambik tau kan????....

pantang ade dekat dengan pasangan lain jantina...
kompem digosip majalah hibughan (hiburan) kan???...

hehehehe....kome ndak ke situasi kat ateh (atas) ni berlaku???...
udah2 le....umo kite makin dekat ke 'sane'...
bukan nye makin jauh.....

I'm living the dream

The end of the first week in WSM, Somerset. I'm loving it.

Today marks the first day I am a Boots employee. I travelled two hours to reach the Boots Divisional Office in Bristol. It was a 10am till 4pm training session. We get paid for attending training! My division had two very enthusiastic male staff, giving us training tips n introducing us to the world of Boots! Aim: To make us Legendary Pharmacists!

I was told it was boring. But, NO, it was FANTASTIC! I learned so much that I look forward to start work and can't wait for the 8th week to meet up with my fellow West division people again. In addition to that, there was free flow of hot chocolate, coffee and tea and there were brunch, lunch and tea breaks which allowed us time to mingle with the other West division students. Majority of them were from Bath Uni. We also had plenty of group discussions and presentations during the day.

S.T.E.Ps to impress:
  • Smile
  • Tone of voice
  • Eye contact
  • Posture
Smiling has not been a problem of late. Everyone around me has been helpful from the bus driver to the train ticket counter lady to the passengers to the housemates and even to the people on the streets. I love it MUCH more than Glasgow.

Day one at the pharmacy begins tomorrow. The staff and my tutor were lovely when I dropped by to say hi.

Khairul Fahmi in action

Andi A. Merican - SOLO feat Altimet (Official Music Video)

Kome ingat ape???
awok ndak letak aksi2 Khairul Fahmi @ apek mase game final Piala Fa 2011 yang lepaih (lepas) ke???....
tulong sikit.....

sesekali kome layan pulak video klip lagu daghi (dari) Andi A.Merican.....
Khairul Fahmi jadi model dalam video klip ni kome.....
kome tengok je le aksi die dalam video klip ni ye....
bukan yang ateh (atas) padang....

P/S: ini le akibatnye bile awok tak bulih tido..... hehehe

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