Monday, April 25, 2011

Terubat rindu.. biarpun dalam mimpi...

Biarpun dari zahir nya deena mampu jalani rutin harian seperti biasa, tapi bila arwah hadir lagi dalam mimpi deena dengan wajah girang sambil tersenyum pada deena hanya Allah shj yg tahu betapa tenang dan gembira nya hati  dapat bersua dgn arwah yasmin walau hanya dalam mimpi... Seawal  mengandungkan arwah, deena tak pernah ketinggalan untuk mencoret hari-hari yang dilalui bersama arwah dari dia dilahirkan, bertarung nyawa di wad icu, sehingga arwah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. malah teman-teman yg sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan arwah tak putus-putus  memberi kata semangat dan doa buat arwah yasmin.   

picture credit to google

Kebetulan sahabat blogger Hajar  juga pernah kehilangan anak tersayang. yang membuat lebih terharu beliau langsung tidak berpeluang menatap wajah arwah anak nya saat dikebumikan. walau telah berlaku 2 tahun yang lalu, bila hajar membaca coretan deena tentang arwah yasmin 
ia mengingatkan pada arwah baby hajar. Hajar, kita sama-sama merasai trauma, dan kesedihan yg teramat bila kehilangan anak yang kita sayang biarpun cuma seketika, dan kita perlu akur dengan ketentuan dari Nya..  harap kita menjadi lebih tabah tempuhi hari-hari yang mendatang...

p/s: sentiasa mengharap dan berdoa agar bertemu lagi Yasmin Damia dlm mimpi ibu.... :(

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hormon Tubuh yang Bikin Orang Mendadak Kuat Seperti Samson

Ketika seseorang merasa takut atau dihadapkan pada situasi yang berbahaya, maka tubuh manusia akan mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa. Tiba-tiba tubuh menjadi kuat seperti tokoh legenda Samson yang perkasa.

Ternyata memang ada hormon yang memicu tubuh mendadak menjadi kuat layaknya tokoh Samson. Sehingga jangan heran jika tiba-tiba dalam kondisi darurat orang bisa mengangkat barang

Wow, Kini Kulit Manusia Bisa Dibuat di Pabrik

Ide ilmuwan Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology Jerman memproduksi kulit manusia buatan dalam skala besar kini terwujud.

Jerman kini memiliki pabrik kulit manusia dan produksinya dibantu robot. Robot-robot itu meremas larutan kimia merah muda kemudian memasukkannya ke dalam alat semacam pipet dan mengubahnya menjadi calon lembaran kulit manusia.


Ten rules for a Happy Ever After

Sometimes we know whats right, but there are times we lose ourselves and get a little side-tracked. Here's a little help:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Take one console table and...

Console tables are versatile pieces of furniture. Most often they are used as sofa tables, but such a narrow application limits  this amazing piece of furniture which can  add interest, character and serviceability to many rooms in your home.  A little creativity will turn this long, leggy table into a showpiece.   You can keep your application simple or you can layer to your hearts delight.  It all depends on the look you want to achieve.

Keep it Simple

 Lauderdale By the Sea Condo modern living room
Stark simplicity has its advantages if you have an interestingly shaped/coloured table.  The lines/colour alone can be the statement.  Add a little detail to the top and you've completed the job. I love the starkness of the black table and accompanying mirror in this very contemporary white and black room.

Shoshana Gosselin  living room
Keeping the display  on the top of this table simple in colour and quantity allows the table to be the design statement. Design tip:  paint out the vent under the table. It is much too obvious.

 Create extra storage

 Sylvia Martin asian living room
  photographer Sylvia Martin

In smaller rooms a console table with or without a shelf can solve some of your storage problems.  Of course the trick is to come up with interesting ways to do this. Stacked trunks and suitcases are a creative solution as are baskets.

Sweet as a Candy eclectic hall
The use of white unifies this arrangement  while the addition of green livens things up and creates a soft contrast. 

Store  extra seating
buffet table inspiration set 1  entry
Tuck away extra seating by filling the space under the table with upholstered ottomans or 18 inch cubes.
 Glenn Gissler Design contemporary entry

I love this arrangement.  The ottoman is a good size for the space under the table.  There should be breathing room on both sides.  Stuffing in an oversized piece  will not give you the polished look you want. There is a nice play of dark against light and the arrangement on the table top works very well in terms of colour, scale and texture.
Entry modern entry
Rachel Reider Interiors

 Don't let limited space stop you from having an interesting and inviting  arrangement in a foyer or entrance.  By keeping the line of a table simple and using a monochromatic scheme you can have a lot going on in a limited space. It's also refreshing to see this combination with light wood. 

 Upper East Side contemporary bedroom

Not many people would consider a console table as a night table, but this works very well because it is smaller in scale and the stool tucks in nicely .  Just pull it out and it's ready for use. The green looks so refreshing next to the wood tones.

Condo Entry contemporary entry

When you place a table behind a sofa you can still think about it as a place to store extra seating. 

 Stairway Detail 2 traditional family room

Paired chairs on either side of  a console table also work well.   To flank a table with chairs you need roughly 6-8 feet of linear space. The scale of the chairs and the table should be in harmony.  A bulky table would overwhelm  smaller chairs.

 House Beautiful via Project Pretty

This same arrangement can be used behind a long sofa. 

buffet table inspiration set 1  entry

 And sometimes one chair is best especially when the table is near a corner.

Picnic on Easter Day!

A bunch of us headed outside on Easter day for a picnic. It was a glorious weather with some occasional wind.

One of the laughable moment was during the jump shot. There were a few who told me not to jump so near the slope for fear I might go tumbling down. Alas, it wasn't me who did a 'Jack n Jill", but my pretty white sandals! The camera caught the moment my sandal was off. Definitely had a good laugh and thanks to Alex who sacrificed his neck and bones to roll down the slope to retrieve back my sandal ;)

Now you see it...

Now you don't!

Choice of food prepared by the chefs were two thumbs up!

Too many photos taken.....:)

Lastly, every Malaysian needs to end the day with photoshoots. The posers:

Uninvited creatures

Spring is here and so the bugs come out to play. Not exactly ideal for me living here, in a room which depends on the outside air to cool the fan-less room. Hence, it is necessary to open the room window if not I will be almost baking inside.
I've had a bee coming into my room, spider, a ladybug and other tiny insects.
The bee comes in, I run out.
The ladybug comes in, I let it crawl on a piece of paper and I fling the bug outside the window *too cute to kill*
The creepy crawly bug, I cover it with a container n let it suffocate to death.
Yesterday, there was a spider dangling right in front of my nose! The only way was to squish it to death ASAP before it ran away.

Today, there was an insect on the window, I didn't want to squash anymore insects which would result in a messy murder scene. So, I had a prescription label, which is a sticker, so its sticky. I just lightly pressed the sticky part onto the insect. Voila~~ It gets stuck on the sticker, I don't need to kill it. I just dump it into the bin and yea, it will die there but no mess in my room!

MY MORNING CATCH: Say Hello to the little thing.

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