Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Alhamdulillah...cek dari Nuffnang yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba. Sebenarnya dah tiba 2 minggu lepas, tapi baru hari ni dapat upload gambarnya...cek nya dah selamat di bank in...bukan lah banyak sangat jika nak dibandingkan dengan bloggers lain yang mendapat ribu raban... tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki jugak lah kan... walaupun sedikit... 
Hasil berblogging ....selain dapat ramai kawan , dapat juga hasilnya...

Energy saving lightbulbs

Knowing too much is REALLY not nice. It leads to paronoia. The last time was about 'freshly' baked bread, which made me stop buying those kind of bread. Doughnuts don't seem so appealing anymore.. Now its about energy saving light bulbs!

It is said to emit cancer causing chemicals and it should not be kept near to the head or used for long hours. I look at my table lamp, the bulb shining oh so brightly.. it looked like an energy saving lightbulb... it could be... I should go ask the village office tmr... Should I turn off the lamp now and not use it till I confirm it doesn't cause cancer?

OMG... its always definitely near my head because I use it for studying.

These lightbulbs emit Mercury if broken and when it is switched on, it releases carcinogenic chemicals....

The report on German television forced the country’s environmental protection agency to issue a warning against 'public hysteria'.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Blonde moment

I think I have toned down on the food craze. It will come back, not now, but eventually. It's probably just the time factor. So, when I don't think of food, my mind does wander of to something else. Given that the weather is getting better and better, my thoughts drift back to the time when I wore long dangly earrings, ladies shoes, skirts and dresses. I've been so deprived of all these throughout winter. I am awaiting the perfect weather to ditch the long pants, sports shoes and t-shirts - things that don't make me feel female enough. I was recently in H & M in Germany and I was told by my aunt to pick any clothes I want. The only thing I had eyes on were dresses and skirts! I did get one dress in the end:) Shopping websites are currently filled with wonderful colours and clothes designs for spring.

On another note, summer is almost here! I'm looking forward to know what England's seaside has to offer while earning there. I'm also going to have to 'tune my ears' again to get use to British English.

Gila, Ada Sekolah Khusus Pelacur di Belanda

Seorang wanita mantan germo di Belanda mendirikan sekolah untuk belajar jadi pelacur. Nama sekolahnya adalah Hanky Panky School. Kurikulumnya disusun sedemikian rupa agar para lulusannya dapat menjalankan pekerjaannya lebih profesional dan tentunya bisa lebih banyak mendapat uang.

Ia adalah Elene Vis (43). Elene membuka sekolahnya di Amsterdam beberapa waktu lalu yang menawarkan Ilmu Pemasaran

Kisah Pemabuk dan Anak Yatim

Dikisahkan, seorang salaf berkata, "Dahulu aku adalah seorang yang tenggelam dalam berbagai macam perbuatan maksiat dan mabuk-mabukan. Pada suatu hari aku menemukan seorang anak yatim yang miskin. Lalu aku ambil anak yatim itu dan aku berbuat baik kepadanya.

Aku beri ia makan, pakaian, dan aku mandikan ia sampai bersih semua kotoran yang menempel di tubuhnya, dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kerapu ! masak apa sedap ?!

goreng pun sodapp...

Tu diaaa... dua hari berturut-turut abang mancing dapat ikan kerapu. kira ada ong la kali ni, tapi abang deena ni pelik skit coz ikan yg dia pancing klu dapat biar la sebesor mana pun, dia takkan makan kesian kata nya.. rugi2.. hehe.. so dia bagi kat kawan2 sama mancing tu haa..

ikan kerapu tu idup lagi ko..!

Tadi pas antar deena balik, abang trus gi mancing kat jeti pelancongan tu jer, kengkawan dia awal2 dah sampai sana. punya la excited en suami kita ni, dapat jer ikan kerapu trus kol deena tanya nak ke tak ikan ? mau nyer taknak.. ! kalau beli kat pasar mau gak cecah belas hengget. tu blom lagi makan kat restoran siap besor kan mata tengok bil.. hehe...

p/s : klu gi restoran Wan Thai mesti order kerapu masak stim limau... mabeless giler ! sodappp..!


My spirits have been high recently. Maybe its due to the weather or maybe the trip to Luxembourg was rejuvenating or meh-be something else ;) Anyway... Stirling trip this Wednesday takes about 1 hour. Its a hospital visit to the Stirling Royal Infirmary. I was told the visit was till 1pm. I'm thinking I should not waste the money I spend getting there by leaving Stirling so early. Should explore at least the town a bit.... But then again, its not to say I'm having ANY free time to waste.... But then again.. I should make use of this trip which cost 11pounds.. Explore, then I can say I have been to Stirling, never go back there again, n move on to another part of UK... I.M.NOT.THAT.FREE...........................:(

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