Monday, April 11, 2011

Focus on the small things


Keeping a light  palette doesn't mean a boring room. It's all about what you do after you choose your large pieces and paint the walls. If you like the calm serenity of a muted palette, you have already arrived; if you are someone who likes change and colour , think about adding personality with accessories. Some things can stay the same over the long term, but others can be moved around or added. There's a long inspiration list when it comes to adding colour to a room.  

Ready made panels

If you usually tire of draperies  quickly, custom draperies may not be your best investment. Think ready made panels.  For a hundred dollars you can purchase lined ready made panels that can have several lives if you are a DIY er. 

 Combine two types of panels on one rod to introduce additional pattern.

Use them as a backdrop for a headboard or to visually centralize a window in a room.Tired of that application? Transform the fabric into a runner &/or pillows.

A throw

Not only is a throw a serviceable  object in home decor, it can be used to brighten a dull corner in any room. The splash of deep red in the throw and the flowers  above adds energy to this  black and white room.

Fresh flowers 
Nothing surpasses flowers when it comes to beauty, colour, form and texture. 

Fresh flowers in a crystal vase integrates well with any style of decor.

A brightly coloured table

Area Rugs
Whether large or small, a bright area rug can anchor neutral palettes and provide a starting point for the addition of other colours.This is an adventurous use of red and orange which would not be a personal choice for me.

Colourful pillows

 Art Work

 I think this art work would look good in our model room.  I like the addition of the blue and yellow to the orange red palette.  The right art work can bring any room up several notches. 

Let's have another look at that room with colour added.


Adding reds and oranges with touches of yellow in the tulips makes everything sing. Does that black lamp bother anyone but me? Check out the next pic to see what happens when it is removed.

 We're getting more adventurous with the addition of two dark red end tables. This look may not be for everyone but it is a good example  of how to layer colour over a basically neutral palette. Check out additional rooms at Better Homes and Gardens link under the top photo.

Warna Merah Planet Mars Disebabkan Oleh Nuklir

Dr John Brandenburg, ilmuwan senior di Orbital Technologies Corporation mengutarakan pendapat bahwa reaksi nuklir secara alami juga terdapat di Mars. Reaksi nuklir itulah yang menyebabkan planet Mars berwarna merah.

Seperti dikutip Foxnews, Brandenburg mengatakan, "Permukaan Mars punya lapisan tipis senyawa radioaktif, meliputi uranium, thorium dan potassium radioaktif. Radiasi muncul dari zona

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bisakah Manusia Hidup Tanpa Bakteri?

Data tentang triliunan bakteri mengerumuni kulit dan seluruh tubuh manusia terdengar sangat menakutkan. Namun ahli biologi mikro Anne Maczulak menegaskan, manusia tak bisa hidup tanpa bakteri.

Penulis buku ‘Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends in Bacteria’ ini menjelaskan, manusia tak bisa hidup tanpa bakteri. Sebagian besar manusia mempelajari bakteri dalam konteks penyakit.

Hal ini

Danau Labuan Cermin, Tawar di Permukaan dan Asin di Bagian Dasarnya

Jauh di pedalaman Kalimantan Timur sana, terbentanglah Danau Labuan Cermin. Danau bening ini istimewa karena memiliki diisi oleh 2 organisme dari dunia yang berbeda. Danau ini memiliki aliran air asin yang hanya ada di bagian bawah danau dan tawar di permukannya.

Labuan Cermin terletak di Kecamatan Biduk-biduk, Kalimantan Timur. Jika dilihat di peta, letaknya tepat di punggung hidung

Friday, April 8, 2011


is when I get to do everything I have wanted to...

Darts tomorrow :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sains: 5 Kekuatan Superhero yang Berhasil Diciptakan Ilmuwan

Posting ini akan membahas 5 kekuatan super yang biasa Anda lihat di komik-komik atau di film-film superhero. Mari ucapkan terima kasih kepada sains. Berkatnya, kekuatan-kekuatan tersebut bisa dibuat menjadi kenyataan! Wow...check this out!

1. Kemampuan Penglihatan Superman Dalam Menembus Dinding

Camero's Xaver 800, produk yang menggunakan radar gelombang mikro untuk menembus dinding dan

Historischer Keller Restaurant

On Day 1, I had my first lunch in Trier Germany in a restaurant serving German food. Im letting the pics do the talking this time.

A moose

Plenty of wildboar heads hanging around the restaurant given that their specialty was wildboar meat

The specials which I cant read but I think I order the first special on the list

The name of the restaurant

The drink I was recommended to try - apple soda

meet my aunt and uncle - the cheerful duo

My meal - wildboar meat with white asparagus and fried mashed potatoes covered with white sauce. it was delicious.

My aunt had salad

Fish and chips

Rice with bolognaise chicken

The interior of the restaurant

My cousin

its customary for European ppl to have a cup of coffee after their meal. 

Their theory for drinking cofee was so that the caffeine kicks in and they dont feel so sleepy after lunch.

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