Friday, April 10, 2009

Duit Brunei siri pertama

Duit Brunei $1 dan $5 siri pertama yang dikeluarkan tahun 1967 dengan potret Sultan Ali Omar Saifuddin.

Duit $1 siri ke 2

Duit $1 Malaysia siri ke 2 adalah sama dengan siri pertama. Ia juga ditandatangani oleh Tun Ismail Mohd Ali. Apa yang berbeza adalah siri pertama menggunakan ejaan "DI-PERLAKUKAN" dan "GABENOR" manakala siri kedua telah menggunakan ejaan baru "DIPERLAKUKAN" dan "GABENUR". Duit di atas adalah kategori UNC dan R/N.

Duit $1 siri ke 4

Duit Malaysia $1 keluaran ke 4 dengan tandatangan Tan Sri Aziz Taha.

Duit Siri ke 5

Duit RM5 siri ke 5 dengan tandatangan Tan Sri Aziz Taha serta cross on flag post dibangunan Istana Negara.

Duit Malaysia RM10 siri ke 5 ditandatangani oleh Tan Sri Aziz Taha dengan gambar Stesen Besar Keretapi Tanah Melayu . Siri ke 5 adalah duit keluaran Malaysia yang mempunyai konsep dan gambar yang berlainan dari siri pertama hingga ke 4. Setiap nilai muka siri kelima memaparkan bangunan bersejarah di Malaysia pada bahagian belakang. Ia juga menggunakan pembayang gambar Yang Dipertuan Agong yang pertama menggantikan pembayang gambar kepala harimau.

Duit Khas Peringatan

Duit khas peringatan RM5, sempena 100 tahun penubuhan Penguasa Tempatan Kuala Lumpur.
Dikeluarkan pada tahun 1990 sebanyak 100,000 unit. Diperbuat daripada Copper plated zinc.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

my lovely daughter

It's been 9 months already since she came to our life. It do change our life specially couldn't sleep very well at night. However, I thank to Allah because to me it's much easier compared to other children (I guess so..). If nothing wrong, she could sleep well at night, only wake up around 5-6 am. She doesn't cried loudly at night. Thank to Allah.. Hehhehe.. Annur quite 'lasak', love to play she she awake. But there have to be somebody around her, if not..satu rumah bising...huhuu.. Check the video of my daughter.. (Sebenarnya nak test upload video kat sini..). Annur memang suker main.. lau tak tido, tu la kejer die..

6 april 2009

Finally, the date came.. 6 APRIL 2009.. Hari Isnin..Hari ni keja..kena gi UPM, de chicken trial. Ikutkan, lau pegi chicken trial, tak payah balik office, excp, lau de keje.. So, disebabkan xde keja pas2..kitorang pun wt aktiviti utk 6 april nih.. It's my birthday.. So, pas bersihkan diri sket, my hubby drove the car to the one shopping complex near serdang.. I thought that he wanted to treat me with KFC,McD or whatsoever.. Then, i saw Old Town Cafe.. Before this he wished to go to this old town one more time..(there's once at MRR2 gombak, once went there & drink the lovely coffee..)yum..yum.. So, that was my thought.. But then, we went to the cinema ticket counter. It's been more than 1 year we haven't go to the cinema.. So, he bought the Fast & Furious 4 ticket. Then, while waiting the showing time, he treat me with the Pizza Hut.. Sedapnye..tapi my daughter xde..ok gak, lau tak, mau nangis dalam panggung nanti..HAHhHAA..So, after eat at the restaurant, we went to the panggung 3 to watch the movie..

FOOD: so yummy when people treat you free..HHHEehee..
MOVIE : the story quite simple, but the skills of driving fast car is very exciting..(wish to see more..)

At night, I also received a gift from my husband. Simple but very appreciate and very lovely.. Thank you My Beloved Hubby..Love you..

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