Wednesday, April 17, 2013

kalau besok..


Kalau besok saya takda.....

 boleh tolong doakan untuk saya?


terima kasih.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ikan Pelik Menyerupai Wajah Buaya

Nelayan di Sungai Nan di daerah Prom Piram di sini terkejut apabila seekor ikan besar dan ganjil ditangkap berhampiran tebing sungai itu semalam.

Somjit Chodchoey, 59, berkata, dia dan adiknya, Dao Promkong memasang umpan pada petang kelmarin. Katanya, dia menemui ikan yang berwajah ganjil itu pada satu daripada cangkuk umpan berkenaan keesokannya.

Menurut nelayan itu, haiwan berkenaan

Boston's marathon bombing

Reading the news about the bombing in Boston since yesterday makes me feel sad. It gets worse today when I read:

"I started running towards the blast and there were people lying all over the floor."He said, "We started grabbing turniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. At least 25 to 30 people have at least one missing leg or an ankle missing or two legs missing"

All this happened at Copley Square in Boston. It brings back good memories I had over there. Boston was a very memorable trip for me and I have always told people to visit it when they are in USA. Hopefully they will catch the culprit and the mastermind behind this evil doing.

Homestay (Inapdesa) di Perak

Homestay Bukit Gantang yang terkenal...
rumah Cikgu Ghasali ni jadi contoh homestay seluruh Malaysia

Sekarang ni ramai sangat la yang buat homestay ......
tapi kome tau tak....
yang sebeno-benonye homestay ni apa??..

kat bawah ni definisi yang awok ambik bulat2 dari website Kementerian Pelancongan...

"Program Homestay adalah pengalaman di mana pelancong tinggal bersama keluarga yang dipilih, berinteraksi dan menimba pengalaman kehidupan seharian keluarga homestay dan juga mempelajari budaya masyarakat luar bandar di Malaysia. Produk Homestay tidak digolongkan sebagai kemudahan penginapan. Ia lebih memfokuskan kepada gaya hidup dan pengalaman, termasuk budaya dan kegiatan ekonomi." 

mana2 pihak yang ada buat homestay di taman, pekan ataupun kampung....
yang itu sebeno2 nye bukanlah homestay dan tak layak dapat peruntukan dari Kementerian pun......
deme tu sebenonye lebih pada rumahtumpangan je...
takpele..... itu rezeki deme...
tapi awok nak cerita berkenaan homestay di Perak...

Di Perak sahaja terdapat 8 Homestay (Inap Desa) yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian Pelancongan

1. Homestay Klah
2. Homestay Bagan Datoh
3. Homestay Maju Manik, Teluk Intan
4. Homestay Pendiat, Bota
5. Homestay Gopeng
6. Homestay Bukit Gantang, Taiping
7. Homestay Kg Beng, Lenggong
8. Homestay Selama

Deme nak dapat kan sijil dan kelulusan homestay ni bukan senang...
Penduduk kampung yang ambik bahagian ...semua diwajibkan berkursus..
dan rumah2 deme tu akan diperiksa...
sama ada sesuai atau tidak......

ok leee....
entri2 akan datang awok akan cerita satu2 homestay yang ada di Perak...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Batu Misteri Menangis Seperti Bayi

Mengejutkan dijumpai batu yang menyerupai bayi menangis. Kisahnya di mana sebiji bongkah batu di dalam sebuah kolam yang telah kering di Kampung Pananjung di Jawa Barat didapati menyerupai wajah seorang bayi. Malah, batu itu dilihat boleh berubah-ubah dalam lingkungan jarak dua meter.

Batu menyerupai wajah bayi itu mampu menunjukkan sama ada ekspresi sedih atau ceria dan penduduk di sekitar

Jalinan Ukhuwwah Siri-2

Sambungan Jalinan Ukhuwwah Kelab Sains Komputer

Pelbagai permainan telah diadakan oleh para pelajar. Di antaranya ialah bawa air dalam sampan (sampan kertas yang digunakan, bermakna para pelajar perlu berhati-hati kerana sampan tersebut mungkin koyak).
 Selain daripada itu, satu lagi permainan ialah Pin Tempura, pemain dikehendaki mencari pin dalam tepung tanpa menggunakan tangan.
 Pin Tempura
 Air dalam sampan
Habis muka disalut tepung!
 Apabila matahari mula membahang, kami meneruskan permainan di bawah wakaf yang disediakan ditepi sawah padi..
Ini adalah kumpulan saya...

 Ini pula kumpulan Puan Wan Khatijah
Permainan ini adalah "Passing the message" - satu rangkaian kata-kata akan diberikan kpd saya dan Pn Wan Khadijah ..kemudian kami akan pass the message kpd ahli yang lain satu demi satu hingga peserta yang akhir.. kemudian peserta yang terakhir perlu mengucapkan message tersebut kepada semua...pada peringkat ini message yg disampai kan akan di semak samada ianya sama dengan message yang pertama di deliver..
 Peserta terakhir dari kumpulan saya sedang menyampaikan message yang diterima oleh beliau ..
Kemudian perserta terakhir dari kumpulan Pn Wan Khadijah pula..

Akhirnya pemenang adalah dari kumpulan saya!!! Paling hampir dengan message asal..
Wakil menerima hadiah ! 

Elia Greek Restaurant, Glasgow

Elia is located at George Square. It is a Greek restaurant with pretty good reviews. The staff were so friendly! You know I have been getting some good service in the least expected places in UK.

I loved how attentive the staff were at Elia and the timing from getting us seated to the food till getting the bill was perfect.

For starters, we were served slices of bread with olives and oil. I have a Greek friend who told me that it is customary for Jews to have bread, olives with oil amd a cup of red wine as breakfast on Saturday mornings. At first, the thought of dipping bread with oil did not sound appealing to me. But then again, I do eat french toast and roti canai for breakfast which are definitely more oily than what the Jews had ;)

Besides bread, we also ordered Grilled halloumi cheese and Dolmathes.

Grilled halloumi cheese: I was introduced to this delightful appetiser by my cousin from Luxembourg. Halloumi cheese is a slightly springy white cheese traditionally made of sheep's milk. I first tasted it in Nando's Glasgow. I loved it so much that when I was in Nando's London and Nando's York, I just had to order it. Unfortunately, Nandos in Glasgow halloumi cheese tasted the best among the other places.
Then, at Elia, it was definitely my first pick from the menu as halloumi is Greek :) The halloumi cheese tasted freaking delicious in Elia that I want more. Furthermore, it came with three huge slices on top of tomatoes. It was good as meal too.

Dolmathes: Rice, herbs and minced beef wrapped in the leaves of grapevine.
I think dolmathes was an acquired taste. Eating grapevine leaves was.... like eating leaves lol. It was definitely filling as an appetiser due to the rice.

For the main course, I had the Lamb souvlaki while my friend had Kleftiko.

Lamb souvlaki: Grilled lamb pieces with rice and vegetable. After looking at Kleftiko, my dish looked too simple! Nope, I would recommend Kleftiko as its worth the same price.

Kleftiko: Slow cooked lamb on the bone with tomato sauce and served with oven potatoes or chips or rice and salad. Sounds awesome just reading the description. Tripadvisor also recommends this dish. The portion for this was so big that my friend could only finish half the lamb and he had to takeway the rest. But it was really good.

We could not stomach any dessert. But we were really happy and satisfied :)

I would go back to order the halloumi cheese and Kleftiko. I think that will be enough to share between two people.

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