Tuesday, March 27, 2012

rahsia DIA


semua orang tahu jodoh itu rahsia ALLAH.
rahsia yang perlu dirungkai.
rahsia yang perlu diselongkar.
rahsia yang perlu digali.

rahsia hati.
rahsia naluri.
rahsia jiwa.
rahsia perasaan.
rahsia DIA.

carilah rahsia itu.
terokailah rahsia itu.

akan ada keindahan dalam rahsia itu.
akan ada magis dalam rahsia itu.
akan ada kemanisan dalam rahsia itu.
akan ada senyuman dalam rahsia itu.

mungkin akan ada tangisan dalam rahsia itu.
mungkin ada kepahitan dalam rahsia itu.

 itulah yang dinamakan rahsia...




jom jejalan hatnyai :)
percutian sehari yg berbaloi-baloi u!

di setiap gambar, ada lagu :)

so cipta le melodi tersendiri :))

Monday, March 26, 2012


Kalau macam ni sah org kata gila. Sampai rumput pun nak kena bagi sama panjang. Teropong pakai kanta lak tu. Memang nak tepat gila. Ni la masalah org yg perfectionist. X leh tgk ketaksempurnaan. Segala2 mau sempurna. Rumput sama panjang, cat sama rata, seterika baju pun kena sempurna, biar semua kena. Kalau x sempurna, stres la apalagi.

Bagi yg ada penyakit ni, cuba la fleksibel sikit. Bukan maknanya ala kadar. Buat betul2 tp sikit2, atau yg remeh temeh tu halalkan jer. Jgn dipikiaqkan sgt.....nanti stress sapa susah? Mereka dan keluarga mereka la.

Nak kesan kita jenis ni ke tak, tgk ibu jari. Pakar kat PUSRATU dapat tentukan dgn hanya tgk kat ibu jari. Macam mana aku tak tau, kena pi PUSRATU la.

thumb up

Rumah Mawi dipecah masuk.......

Kesian tp alhamdulillah smua selamat. Ambik la berapa byk harta yg ada asal nyawa jgn ambik. Mana ada ganti. Harta boleh dicari ganti. Ni la kerja si pemalas, senang2 je ambik yg org. Pi la cari sendiri. Rompak org pandai takkan nak cari duitt sendiri x pandai. Pelik pelik.

Rumah wardina pun dah kena dah sebelom ni. Depa ni mmg duk mark rumah2 artis kot. Artis2 popular jer. Yg x popular??? Ada yg mengambil kesempatan atas kelalaian kita sendiri.

Tetap Tabah
 Baru je dapat anak, mai lak ujian macm ni. Tp ok la anak x apa2. RM10000 apa la sgt bg Mawi. Duit bayar zakat pun byk dari tu kot?

Macamana perompak boleh masuk? Xder alarm system ker? Letak anjing la sekor kat luar rumah. Nanti malaikat lak x masuk. Pikir2 kan lah.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Burger hopping: German Deli, Ampang Jaya

My burger experience rankings. Click on links to read more:
Sixth place: Chilli's Cheeseburger, KLCC/Midvalley

My bro told me about some really famous burgers around my area. I googled the burger places and we both started salivating just looking at the pictures...

So, i decided to go burger hopping to try all three places in one night. We wanted to go to OM burger first, but it was raining and that stall's business hours were from 8pm till 5am. It was only 7.30pm.

Thus, we headed to German Deli which was just a five minute drive from where OM burger was located.

German Deli was located behind a Petronas opposite ISKL. The deli has plenty of dining space. The first thing the waiter told us when he was giving us the menu was that we will have to wait 40minutes for our orders. Its probably because everything was cooked fresh annnnd there was omly one waiter. We were given one paper to check whatever we want. The thing tf and i did was send our oaper straight to the counter instead of waiting for the waiter to do it for us. That, i must say, was a smart move. The lady who placed her order to the waiter before us ended up being served her meal after we finished eating! And she got really angry....... So, self service is always faster xD

The deli specializes in burgers and hotdogs. We ordered their 500g Megathon beef burger(rn16.50) and foot lobg hot dog(rm16). If you like Carl's Jr burgers, its probably more worth it to head over ti German Deli as the price at the deli is cheaper and the burger is bigger.

Tf loved the beef burger. For someone who loves beef, i guess his opinion counts. I had half of the hotdog, which was juicy and good. I could only eat a quarter of the burger in the end and minus the bread. We also had mashed potato which i do not recommend. We also shared 1 liter of root beer. Their rootbeer didnt have much gas amd wasnt as sweet as the ones sold in A& W.

I was stuffed!

The next stop was Kaw Kaw Burger at Wangsa Maju. It was still raining. When we arrived, the queue at the burger stall was long! We opted not to wait and headed home instead. Im a tad bit glad we didnt try it coz i was really full.

Will contunue the burger hopping next weekend:)

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