Friday, February 20, 2009

Kuali Tembaga

Seperti kuali tetapi tiada telinga, dibuat daripada tembaga dengan ukiran naga di bahagian luarnya. Di bahagian dalam tertera tulisan cina. Digunakan oleh moyangku untuk 'menyangai' (menggoreng tanpa minyak) tepung untuk membuat baulu. Juga biasa digunakan untuk memasak buah berangan.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a journey to remember..

Salam.. Didn't managed to open the blog yesterday. HUhuuu..Yesterday my boss, My collegue; Mr. Hafiz, Azim, Nadia and of course ME..went to Pekan Nenas, Johor.. We went to chicken farm (our contract farming).. to send the StellarLac plus to discuss the experiment that we want to carry out with them. The cronology of the journey that have to be remembered...

7.30 am : send our beloved baby to taska..(cian die..kena hantar awal...)

7.50 am : reach office. take the StellarLac in cold room, plus experiment product.

8.15 am : reached Setiawangsa.. Breakfast at boss's house

8.35 am : Started journey.. Seem all roads in KL quite jammed.. then we saw the Sultan's (Agong) car passing by (don't know where they're going)..Quite jammed, but car still can moved. Went with sorento 4WD..went along the highway with many cars, lorries, bus etc..the journey ok, but some fell sleep :) ..Hahhaa..

11.40 am: Exit at Kulai..Heading ahead to Pekan Nenas..Wah..jalan leh tahan ni..Lau drift, syok nih..(terpengaruh citer initial D)

12.00 pm : Reach main office.. The company called Flavour Right Sdn. Bhd. They claimed that their business is bigger than Leong Hup & others chicken producer in MAlaysia..Really big and many farms...HUHuhu... Discuss a little bit on method to do the experiment with the operation manager a.k.a shareholder.. (Fuh.Hebat nIh..Pakai rilek jER..t-sHIRt jer..).. Went to chicken farm, but there's no any chick..(Maybe MONday will arrive) - so the experiment will also start on Monday/Tuesday.. Also discuss on how they fed & gave water to chicken. A short discussion on last time result.. The growth quite slow, but still ok..

1.00 pm : Went to lunch (luckily it's malay restaurant) - however, not much food left..

1.30 pm : Start journey back to KL..(YeHH..yEH..can fetch my baby earlier than expected...)

2.25 pm : Take Ayer Hitam exit..planned to buy something (as a prove we went to johor), but ended up buy nothing..HAhahhaa..

3.00 pm : Entrance Ayer HItam.. Everybody felt dizzly..(not Iqram Dintzy)..But I still managed not to sleep...(cannot slept in car ma...). then, somehow, we heard something..- like a stone that hit the car..Positively thinking, there's nothing..We still keep going with 120-140km/h..(wah...- lebEY had lAju mA...).. After that, we heard something..ktung..ktung..ktung.. - so scaRy.. We stopped at the side of the that time we already passed the tangkak exit..When stepped out of the sorento..the diesel already got into my nose..HAHHAaa???Then we saw the diesel came out from a tank (Because of lack info about car/sorento, so,I don't know exactly from where the diesel came out...)..My boss called the tow truck-man to pick up his car..While waiting at the highland of the highway..(High KE?)..I keep thinking about my baby..OH what time I'm going to pick her up..huhuUHUHu..Then the 'tow truck-man' came..He said the drive shaft already broke..HHAAaa? Then he lift the sorento up, the 3-men (my boss+my hubby+my collegue) went to sit in sorento, while 2-women (my collegue+me) sit in front of the lorry together with the lorry driver..(Teringat dlu2..naik lori ayah..)

5.30 pm : Start the journey back (with LOrrY :0 )..

7.00 pm : reached the NAza workshop..beside mRR2 road, near the roudabout to Keramat AU.. take all our things and the NAZA's boy send us to Setiawangsa...(felt very pity to my boss- byk kali dah sorento nih wat hal kt die, hri tu dr johor antu johor nih-my fren said)..nape..mentang2 my boss org johor la...Haahhaa..

8.00 pm : Reach taska to take my baby..ciannye anak mama.. at the time of our reach, my baby is eating her bubur nasi..yum..yum.. Wait for a little while for her to finish her dinner..(kruk..kruk..- perut mama nyanyi2...)

8.30 pm : reach home, solat and eating..wah..what a day..very tired, very sleepy..very very..everything lah..

So, the journey will remain in our memories..hAHhahaa..A journey to rememBEr..Luckily, my daughter tak meragam and she do sleep well at that night...Alhamdulillah...

Monday, February 16, 2009

cold chain solution..

alop.. yesterday I went to BiotechCorp at Jalan Ampang for a half day seminar. It's about cold chain solution. The bruch talk (bruch= breakfast+lunch - maybe..HAHaahaA..) was given by people from World Courier.. It's on how your wanna sent your sample (mainly biological sample) either domestic or internationally.. Actually it's a kind of promoting their services..aiyoo.. so, the talk started at 10am until 12pm (finished before 12 actually). Quite ok, but still have some info that I don't know before.. Some info about this seminar...

If your sample is temperature vital; exe: cryogenics, the method to transit the sample is below -80 deg C, you have to use liquid nitrogen
If your sample is in deep freezing type, (-80 to -60 deg C) use dry ice
And if your sample is freezing type (-18 to 0 deg C), please just use gel packs.
It's because, if you use wrong preservation materials (PM), your product maybe will too hot or too cold - will effect the life of samples.

  • Transit time - make sure for preservation materials (dry ice, gel packs..) is enough for the time of sending to the destination. Need to change or top up if not enough at a certain time and place
  • Transit temperature - Be sure about the temperature of the sample origin place, transit, destination and during aircraft (temperature may change from malaysia to london exe..)
  • Product size - make sure the PM is enough for sample size; not too much or less
  • Refrigerant volume - always filled up any free space; for better temperature control and vandilation (Any filling material should be tested first for effectiveness)
  1. Never use papers (including newspaper) or bubble wrap to fill the space of box
  2. Use polystyrene pieces to fill the space
  3. No need to wrap the dry ice with any materials
  4. Can pack the material first before the pick up man came, but have to stored the packaging inside cold room.
  5. There's a method on how to distribute/ locate your sample, PM and fillers - need to go to seminar for further info..HIkhikhSS..
That's all for now.. Any question, contact me.. (Seems to be expert jer..yo yo oo...)- no lah, will be answered if realy sure...(and if get correct answer for the questions...ahahaaa..)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

annur got her license..

Hai..wanna know something?My 7++ months daughter already got her car license..HAA??? Really ka? Check this out...
And amazingly, we don't need to really hold her.. Pandai nya anak mama..hope you will be a good driver in the future..


Salam to all. This post is about 8 february 2009.. What's wrong with this date? Haha..nothing actually..although this date had passed, but..huhu..(should be posted on that date actually).. It was my hubby's birthday..Haha.. But of course it's an important date to remember.. I had difficulty on what to buy ang how to buy gift for my husband. Why? Because almost all the time, he was with me.. Working at the same company, went lunch together, get back from work.. all together gether (penggunaan bahasa yang salah ye..jgn amalkan..).. pendek kata mmg susah nk membeli ape-ape pun..huhu.. But then, I managed to self-doing the birthday card (of course in my office). Then, I asked him to wait at a certain place with our lovely daughter, while I'm going to buy a gift.. Just managed to buy a cutie mug for him. Then, on that day, we went to carrefour (tul ke eja nih??).. We went to 'Splendid' - as a birthday meal..haha.. De la gambar-gambar sket.. Yang bawah ni gambar my hubby punya 'birthday meal'..cuba tgk pe yang anda x pueh ati...

(Nih bukan botol susu mama ye..Nih Annur punya..)

Yang nih pulak tuan hamba punya meal.. Ade x mengalahkan birthday person?? HAhaaHA..Tapi..the chocolate drinks..Uhh..masyuk..cuma manis jer.. Anyway, hope my hubby be happy always.. yang x pueh ati tu?? Cuba peratikan air kopi kt sebelah kanan tu..adoi..mase datang, igt tambahan pe.. tapi tu la minumannye..ape namanye tah...adoi..xberbaloi dengan harganye.. If you wanna know how much, spend a little time at splendid ok... But for mine..okla..
To my lovely hubby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. Happy birthday to Mr. Ahmad Hafiz..Love you..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Orchard Road.

Macam tak percaya pulak, Orchard Road, Singapore hari ini dah terlampau berbeza sekali. Maklumlah gambar ni pun dah 95 tahun. Saya rasa orang yang pernah tengok suasana ini pun dah tak ada lagi.


Saya tak perlu tulis apa-apa, cukup gambar itu sendiri yang memberi pengertian.

Gambar Belangkas